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60 in Roman Numerals

Last Updated : 25 Jan, 2024
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In Roman numerals, the number 60 is represented as LX. This notation combines L (50) and X (10), where X is placed after L to indicate that 10 is added to 50. Therefore, LX effectively means 50 plus 10, which equals 60.


How to Write 60 in Roman Numerals?

To write the number 60 in Roman numerals, you can use the following steps:

  • Step 1: Identify the largest Roman numeral that is less than or equal to 60. In this case, it’s “L,” which represents 50.
  • Step 2: Since 60 is 10 more than 50, you need to add a smaller Roman numeral to a larger one. To represent 60, you add 10 to 50.
  • Step 3: Write “X” (10) after “L” (50), which gives you “LX.”

So, the Roman numeral for 60 is “LX.”

Roman Numeral Converter

Rules for Roman Numerals

  • Basic Symbols: Roman numerals are composed of basic symbols to represent numbers: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), and M (1000).
  • Repeated Symbols: If a Roman numeral has a symbol repeated, the values are added together. For example, III is 1 + 1 + 1 = 3.
  • Subtractive Notation: When a smaller Roman numeral appears before a larger one, it is subtracted from the larger one. For example, IV represents 5 – 1 = 4.
  • No More Than Three Repeats: A Roman numeral cannot have more than three consecutive identical symbols. Larger numbers are represented using subtractive notation.
  • Order of Symbols: Roman numerals are read from left to right. Larger values should always come before smaller ones.

Roman Numerals Related to 60

  • 59: LIX
  • 60: LX
  • 61: LXI
  • 62: LXII
  • 63: LXIII
  • 64: LXIV
  • 65: LXV

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