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Android 15 Introduces Quarantine Mode To Protect Users From Dangerous Apps

Last Updated : 23 Apr, 2024
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Staying safe in the digital world is important, and our smartphones are prime targets for malicious software. Google is constantly improving Android’s security features, and the upcoming Android 15 update promises a step forward with the introduction of Android App Quarantine. This feature aims to protect users from dangerous apps by isolating them and limiting their functionality.

Read In Short:

  • Android 15 introduces a new security feature called Android App Quarantine.
  • This feature isolates potentially dangerous apps, preventing them from harming your device.
  • Quarantined Apps remain visible but become restricted, giving you control over their removal.


What is Android App Quarantine?

Android App Quarantine is a security feature anticipated to be part of the upcoming Android 15 update. It functions by identifying and isolating apps suspected of malicious behavior. These apps are then placed in a restricted state, significantly limiting their capabilities and preventing them from compromising your device’s security or privacy.

How Does Android 15 Quarantine Mode Work?

The exact technical details of Android App Quarantine haven’t been officially revealed by Google. However, based on information gleaned from the Android 15 developer builds, here’s a breakdown of the suspected functionality:

  • Identification: The system, likely Google Play Protect or a similar security service, will identify apps exhibiting suspicious behavior. This might involve unauthorized access attempts, excessive resource usage, or known malware signatures.
  • Isolation: Once identified, the app will be quarantined. This essentially severs the app’s connection to critical system resources and functionalities.
  • Restriction: Quarantined apps become severely restricted. They won’t be able to send notifications, access the internet, interact with other apps, or even run in the background.

How to use Quarantine Mode on Android 15

Since Android 15 is not yet officially released, these steps are based on expectations. Here’s a simplified breakdown of how Quarantine Mode might work on Android 15:

Step 1: Notification

You’ll likely receive a notification informing you that an app has been quarantined because it’s suspected of being dangerous.

Step 2: Identify Quarantined App

Look for the app icon on your home screen or app drawer. It might appear dimmed or have a warning overlay to indicate its quarantined status.

Step 3: Access App Settings

Tap and hold the app icon to access the app info menu or go to your device Settings > Apps and locate the quarantined app.

Step 4: Take Action

In the app settings, you’ll likely see options to:

  • Uninstall: This completely removes the app from your device, including its data.
  • Review (potential): There might be an option to review the quarantine status (exercise caution with this option).

Remember: Android 15 is not yet available, and the final implementation of Quarantine Mode might differ slightly.

What Happens When an App is Quarantined on Android 15?

When an app gets quarantined on Android 15, you’ll likely receive a notification informing you about the potential threat. The app icon will remain on your home screen and app drawer, but it will appear visually distinct, possibly dimmed or overlaid with a warning icon, to indicate its quarantined status.

  • Restricted Functionality: The quarantined app becomes essentially non-functional. You won’t be able to launch it, and it won’t be able to run any background processes.
  • Data Remains: Important to note, that quarantining does not delete the app’s data. This allows you to access any important information stored within the app before uninstalling it.

Is Android 15 More Secure Than Previous Versions?

Android 15 is shaping up to be a significant security update for the platform. The introduction of the Android App Quarantine feature demonstrates Google’s commitment to user safety. Here’s how it enhances security:

  • Proactive Protection: App Quarantine identifies and isolates threats before they can cause harm. This provides an extra layer of protection compared to solely relying on app removal after an infection.
  • User Control: Quarantine gives you the choice to uninstall the suspicious app or potentially whitelist it if you b

Will All Android Devices Get App Quarantine?

While Android App Quarantine is expected to be part of Android 15, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Gradual Rollout: New features in Android updates often roll out gradually. It might take some time for all Android 15 devices to receive the App Quarantine functionality.
  • Manufacturer Customization: Some Android device manufacturers may customize the Android 15 update or choose to include the App Quarantine feature at their discretion.

How Can I Protect My Android Device Now?

  • Download with Caution: Stick to the Google Play Store for apps. Third-party stores often harbor malware.
  • Review and Scrutinize: Before installing an app, read reviews and check the permissions it requests. Grant only essential permissions.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your Android OS and apps updated with the latest security patches to plug vulnerabilities.
  • Be Wary of Suspicious Links: Avoid clicking links or opening attachments from unknown senders in emails or text messages. Phishing attempts lurk everywhere!
  • Utilize Google Play Protect: This built-in security service scans apps for malware and offers features like “Find My Device” and Play Store scans to warn you about risky apps.

What Happens if an App is Quarantined? 

  • Limited Functionality: The quarantined app becomes essentially unusable. You won’t be able to launch it and it won’t be able to run any background processes. This effectively isolates the app, preventing it from accessing sensitive resources or causing harm.
  • No More Notifications: You’ll stop receiving notifications from the quarantined app. This helps prevent any potential scams or phishing attempts that might leverage notifications to trick you.
  • Visually Distinct: The app icon on your home screen and app drawer will likely appear visually distinct from non-quarantined apps. This could involve dimming the icon or overlaying it with a warning symbol to indicate its quarantined status.


The anticipated Android 15 update brings a powerful security feature: Android App Quarantine. This new tool isolates dangerous apps, safeguarding your device. Quarantined Apps remain visible but restricted, allowing you to uninstall them or potentially review their status (with caution) before making a decision. By combining Android App Quarantine with existing security practices, you can significantly protect your Android device from emerging threats.

Android 15 Quarantine Mode – FAQs

Is there an Android 15?

Yes, Android 15 is an upcoming major update for Android.

When Android 15 will come?

The official release date for Android 15 is expected in Q3 of 2024.

What is quarantine mode?

Quarantine mode is a new security feature anticipated in Android 15 that isolates potentially dangerous apps.

Which phone has Android 15?

No phones currently have Android 15 as of April 22, 2024, as it’s not yet officially released.

Does quarantined mean deleted?

Quarantined does not mean deleted. Quarantined apps are restricted but still visible on your device. You can choose to uninstall them or potentially review their status.

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