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Best Wordle Starting Words to Help You Keep Your Streak

Last Updated : 20 Jul, 2023
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List of Best Wordle Starting Words:


Are you also a Wordle enthusiast? The Wordle game for sure is an exciting one, especially for giving your brain a little exercise and guessing the right word in the least number of attempts. Guessing the correct Wordle words can be quite tricky since the very first word you enter is probably a blind guess that can lead you to predict the correct letters in the word of the day. Well, now we’re making it easy for you by sharing our secret list of best wordle starting words.

Best Wordle Start Words

However, if you don’t want to end up guessing the wrong answer or lose out on maintaining your Wordle streak, it is only advised to follow a few tips. Simply not throwing in any random words but the ones that are well thought out and have the most probability of having at least one correct letter from the best wordle starting words is the way to go. But first, let us know what is this game and how we can play it.

What is the Wordle Game?

Wordle Game

Wordle Game is a popular free online word-guessing game introduced by The New York Times. The game rose to massive popularity in 2021-2022 due to its uniqueness. In this game, you get a maximum of 6 chances to guess the correct 5-letter wordle answer that is common for all users across the world. Users can play this game only once a day and every day a new puzzle word gets updated at midnight for you to guess.

The game also maintains the record of the streak of correct answers you’ve guessed since the first day. To maintain your streak, you have to guess the right answers within the maximum number of attempts otherwise you’ll lose your streak

Strategy to Choose the Best Wordle Starting Word

If you don’t want to lose out on your Wordle streak, you must make strategies before entering your first guess in the Wordle puzzle and for that, we’re sharing some strategies to choose the best wordle starting words. A smart start word can lead you to find the maximum correct letters from the correct answer. Here are a few common strategies that can probably help you guess the Wordle of the day in the least number of attempts and ultimately maintain your streak.

1. Start with a word that has the most frequently used letters 

The English language is an exciting one! There are many vowels and consonants among the 26 letters that appear more frequently than the others. Peter Norvig, the director of research at Google has found that there are a few letters in English that are more frequently used and there are a few that are used the least. These frequently used letters are probably “A”, “E”, and “T” while the least used letters are “J”, “Z” and “Q”. Starting your first guess with a word that consists of such common letters like E, A, R, S, T, L can increase your chances of landing the correct answer faster.

2. Start with vowel-heavy words

Another strategy users can follow is starting with a word that has the most vowels. Since no 5-letter word in English goes without having a vowel in it, guessing the right vowel in the first go helps many users in finding the right answer much faster. Many users even apply the strategy of using a start word that starts with a vowel. That’s why ADIEU has become one of the top-used best wordle starting words in the wordle game.

3. Start with the same word every day

Another strategy is to start your guessing game using the same word every day. Using this strategy in Wordle helps many users in setting up a different kind of base strategy for themselves. Starting with the same word can also lead you to guess the right word in the first or second go.

4. Start with a different word every day

Start your Wordle by guessing with a different but best wordle starting words every day that you probably haven’t used yet. This may or may not be an ideal strategy for all but it works for a lot of users. The wild guess can lead you to the right answer even in the first guess.

5. Your first and second words can be completely different from each other

Many users go with this approach where they enter two completely different words in their first and second guesses. This helps in two ways: the probability of guessing the maximum correct letters increases and also the letters that do not exist in the word get eliminated. This can help the users in making a more suitable guess the third time.

6. Avoid using double-letter words as your starting word

It is recommended to avoid using the best wordle starting words that have a double letter in it. This way, it reduces your chances of eliminating or guessing one additional letter in your first attempt. Instead, use words with the most unique or common combination of letters but all different from one another.

How to Play Wordle?

You can easily play Wordle by searching The New York Times game site on your web browser since there’s no separate app for this puzzle game. Once you’ve opened the game, your job is to guess the wordle for the day. You start with entering a random 5-letter word and upon hitting enter, the system will let you know how many letters from the word are correct and if they’re placed in the correct position or not. 

How to play wordle

The correct letter at the correct position will turn green, the right letter at the wrong position will whereas a letter that does not exist in the actual answer will turn grey. This helps you determine the correct combination of letters to guess the right answer. You’ll only get a maximum of 6 attempts to guess the right word so it’s crucial to think thoroughly before entering any further words.

What is the Best Wordle Start Word?

There is no one specific best Wordle word game opening words since different experts suggest different strategies based on their research and methodologies.

Here is a list of the best wordle starting words from different studies that can help you ace your guessing game!


While these words do not guarantee that you’ll land the correct answer in your first two or three attempts since it depends on the combination of letters that you follow afterward.

Should the Wordle Word Start with a Vowel?

Whether to start your wordle word with a vowel or not is wholly based on your strategy. Some experts suggest using a start word with a vowel while others suggest otherwise. Every user follows a different strategy as per their approach to guessing the correct word.

Since every 5-letter word consists of at least one vowel, it is also suggested to use a vowel-heavy word as your start word for Wordle as it can help you determine the right vowels and their position in the first go itself.


Wordle Game is one of its kind word game that managed to attract users worldwide. The game by The New York Times has gained immense appreciation and love from the users around. The game has managed to evoke competitiveness amongst the users and an urge to maintain their win streak.

To ensure that, users are always on the go to look for tricks and tips to crack the right word in the least number of attempts. There is however no strategy or approach mentioned above that can guarantee you the right answer, but they can only significantly help you up to an extent.

FAQs on Best Wordle Starting Words

Q1: What is the best word for Wordle?


Many words are termed to be the best start word for cracking the Wordle puzzle. Some of these words are entirely.

Q2: Should I start with a vowel or a consonant?


It is entirely a user’s choice if they want to start with a vowel or a consonant. Different strategies work for different people. However, a vowel-heavy word like ADIEU works for most people.

Q3: Can I play Wordle even if I fail to guess the correct answer?


Yes, you can always play the next wordle puzzle even if you fail to guess the correct answer. However, your streak will break.

Q4. What is the best letter to start a wordle word?


Many English letters are most recurring in the wordle words than others. One such letter is “S” which has the most frequency of appearing as the first letter in Wordle words.

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