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C Program To Print Hollow Diamond Pattern

Last Updated : 27 Dec, 2022
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To print the hollow diamond pattern in C, we will use the following 2 approaches:

  1. for Loop
  2. while Loop


n = 5


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Approach 1: Using for loop



// C Program To Print Hollow Diamond
// Pattern using for loop
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int n = 5, rows, columns;
    // for loop is used to identify
    // the number of rows and
    // it is used to print upper triangle
    for (rows = 1; rows <= n; rows++) {
        // used for printing the spaces
        for (columns = n; columns > rows; columns--) {
            printf(" ");
        // print star
        // again print the spaces
        for (columns = 1; columns < (rows - 1) * 2;
             columns++) {
            printf(" ");
        if (rows == 1) {
        else {
    // for loop is used to identify
    // the number of rows and
    // it is used to print lower triangle
    for (rows = n - 1; rows >= 1; rows--) {
        // used for printing the spaces
        for (columns = n; columns > rows; columns--) {
            printf(" ");
        // print star
        for (columns = 1; columns < (rows - 1) * 2;
             columns++) {
            printf(" ");
        if (rows == 1) {
        else {
    return 0;


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Method : Using while loop



// C Program To Print Hollow Diamond
// Pattern using while loop
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int n = 5, rows = 1, columns;
    // while loop is used to identify
    // the number of rows and
    // it is used to print upper triangle
    while (rows <= n) {
        columns = n;
        // used for printing the spaces
        while (columns > rows) {
            printf(" ");
        // print star
        columns = 1;
        while (columns < (rows - 1) * 2) {
            printf(" ");
        if (rows == 1) {
        else {
    // while loop is used to identify
    // the number of rows and
    // it is used to print lower triangle
    rows = n - 1;
    while (rows >= 1) {
        columns = n;
        // used for printing the spaces
        while (columns > rows) {
            printf(" ");
        // print star
        columns = 1;
        while (columns < (rows - 1) * 2) {
            printf(" ");
        if (rows == 1) {
        else {
    return 0;


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Time complexity: O(n2) for given input n
Auxiliary space: O(1) as it is using constant space for variables

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