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COBOL – Data Types

Last Updated : 05 Apr, 2022
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A Datatype is a classification by the programmer to tell the compiler/interpreter how data will be used inside a program. For example, the roll number of the student defined as the number will take input as a number only if other values are supplied instead of the number it will raise an abend inside the program.

Symbol Short Description


Value example  
9 Numeric Include Digits 0 to 9 Phone_number: 9898989898
A Alphabetic Include only Letter A to A/a-z Name:   GeekForGeeks
X Alphanumeric Include both digits and letters Gift_voucher:  ABZ445
S Signed Include integers value  Balance:  -458 
P Assumed Decimal Used to find value on the left or right side of the decimal Assumed_dec:  

Example Program: We will be using this program to explain the concepts of this article.


           01 GROUP01.
            02 PHONE_NUMBER            PIC 9(10) VALUE 7845955477.
            02 ST_NAME                 PIC A(20) VALUE 'GeekForGeeks'.
           01 GIFTVOUCHER              PIC X(6) VALUE 'ABZ445'.
           01 BALANCE                  PIC S9(3) VALUE -458.
           01 ASSUMED_DEC              PIC P9(2) VALUE 23.458.
            DISPLAY GROUP01
            STOP RUN.

Explanation: To understand the concept of Datatype, we need to know about the basic term used.

  •  Data Name
  •  Level Number
  •  Picture Clause
  •  Value Clause

1. Data Name

A Data name is like a User-defined variable used in the program which will be used to hold different values in it and must contain only digits(0-9), letters(A-Z), minus signs, and Hyphens(-), a data name cannot use reserved words such as MOVE, COMPUTE.

Some Valid data names:

Invalid data names:
MOVE          : it is reserved keyword
COMPUTE          : it is reserved keyword    
$VAR          : $ char not allowed
100              : only number not allowed

2. Level Number

A level number is a one-digit or two-digit integer between 01 and 49, or one of three special level numbers: 66, 77, or 88. The following level numbers are used to structure records:

  • Group Item: A group item consists of one or more elementary items, in the below example GROUP01 is a group item.
  • Elementary item: It is an individual defined item, in the above example PHONE_NUMBER is an elementary item.
Level Number Description Type
01 Record Description or Title for Group General Level Number
02 to 49 For Group/Elementary items
66 Rename Clause Items Special Level Number
77 Fixed cannot be subdivided to declare an elementary item
88 Condition name entry (mainly used for flag purposes)



   01 GROUP01.                                                        /*GROUP ELEMENT*/ 
   02 PHONE_NUMBER            PIC 9(10) VALUE 7845955477.            /*ELEMENTARY ELEMENT*/
   02 ST_NAME                 PIC A(20) VALUE 'GeekForGeeks'.        /*ELEMENTARY ELEMENT*/
   02 GIFTVOUCHER              PIC X(6) VALUE 'ABZ445'.
   02 BALANCE                  PIC S9(3) VALUE 458.
  77  ASSUMED_DEC              PIC P9(2) VALUE 23.458.                      /*INDEPENDENT ELEMENT*/
   01 WS-GENDER                 PIC X(01).                             /*CONDITIONAL ELEMENT*/
   88 WS-MALE                   VALUE "M". 
   88 WS-FEMALE                   VALUE "F".

3. Picture Clause

In the above code different datatype variables such as PHONE_NUMBER, ST_NAME, GIFT VOUCHER  are defined with the help of the Picture clause also known as PIC there are 5 symbols(9, A, X, S, P) which can be used with the help of picture clause which is already explained.


02 PHONE_NUMBER            PIC 9(10) VALUE 7845955477.        /*the PHONE_NUMBER is initialised as a numberic value with the help of picture clause using symbol 9 which can hold 10 digits*/

02 ST_NAME                 PIC A(20) VALUE ‘GeekForGeeks’.  /*the ST_NAME is initialised as a Alphabetic value with the help of picture clause using symbol A which can hold 20 characters*/

4. Value Clause 

It is used to initialize the data item example in the above code PHONE_NUMBER is having a default value of 785955477, defined with the help of the value is optional to use the value clause.

When we compile and execute the above code, it will display the values defined using the Values clause


02 PHONE_NUMBER            PIC 9(10) VALUE 7845955477. /* PHONE_NUMBER is holding default value 7845955477 which will be displayed if not other values is assigned */

02 ST_NAME                 PIC A(20) VALUE ‘GeekForGeeks’. /* ST_NAME is holding default string value “GeekForGeeks” defined with keyword VALUE*/

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