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Compute Randomly Drawn Negative Binomial Density in R Programming – rnbinom() Function

Last Updated : 15 Mar, 2021
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rnbinom() function in R Language is used to compute random density for negative binomial distribution.

Syntax: rnbinom(N, size, prob)
N: Sample Size 
size: Number of trials 
prob: Probability 

Example 1: 


# R program to compute random
# Negative Binomial Density
# Setting seed for
# random number generation
# Set sample size
N <- 20
# Calling rnbinom() Function
y <- rnbinom(N, size = 10, prob = 0.5)


 [1]  9 12  8  4 10  3  9 19  3 14 11 11  6 15 14 12  6  5  5  4

Example 2: 


# R program to compute random
# Negative Binomial Density
# Setting seed for
# random number generation
# Set sample size
N <- 100
# Calling rnbinom() Function
y <- rnbinom(N, size = 50, prob = 0.5)
# Plot a graph



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