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Creating an Index From the End of a Collection at a Specified Index Position in C#

Last Updated : 28 Nov, 2019
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The Index Structure is introduced in C# 8.0. It represents a type that can be used to index a collection or sequence and it can be started from the start or the end. You are allowed to create an end index with the help of the FromEnd(Int32) Method provided by the Index struct. This method returns an index from the end of the given collection or sequence at a specified position.


public static Index FromEnd(int value);

Example: 1

// C# program to illustrate the 
// concept of the FromEnd() Method
using System;
namespace example {
class Program {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Creating end index
        // Using FromEnd() method
        var in1 = Index.FromEnd(2);
        var in2 = Index.FromEnd(1);
        var in3 = Index.FromEnd(0);
        var in4 = Index.FromEnd(6);
        // Display index value
        Console.WriteLine("Index position is : {0} ", in1);
        Console.WriteLine("Index position is : {0} ", in2);
        Console.WriteLine("Index position is : {0} ", in3);
        Console.WriteLine("Index position is : {0} ", in4);


Index position is : ^2 
Index position is : ^1 
Index position is : ^0 
Index position is : ^6

Example 2:

// C# program to illustrate the
// concept of the FromEnd() method
using System;
namespace example {
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Creating and initializing an array
        string[] greetings = new string[] {"Hello", "Hola", "Namaste"
                                "Bonjour", "Ohayo", "Ahnyounghaseyo"};
        // Creating end index
        // Using FromEnd() method
        var index_1 = Index.FromEnd(3);
        var index_2 = Index.FromEnd(1);
        var index_3 = Index.FromEnd(4);
        var index_4 = Index.FromEnd(5);
        // Displaying index and their values
        Console.WriteLine("Index: {0} Value: {1}"
                     index_1, greetings[index_1]);
        Console.WriteLine("Index: {0} Value: {1}"
                     index_2, greetings[index_2]);
        Console.WriteLine("Index: {0} Value: {1}"
                     index_3, greetings[index_3]);
        Console.WriteLine("Index: {0} Value: {1}",
                     index_4, greetings[index_4]);


Index: ^3 Value: Bonjour
Index: ^1 Value: Ahnyounghaseyo
Index: ^4 Value: Namaste
Index: ^5 Value: Hola

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