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Difference between Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Last Updated : 21 Feb, 2023
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SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer while TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. Both Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security are the protocols used to provide security between web browsers and web servers. The main difference between Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security is that, in SSL (Secure Socket Layer), the Message digest is used to create a master secret and It provides the basic security services which are Authentication and confidentiality. while In TLS (Transport Layer Security), a Pseudo-random function is used to create a master secret. 

There are some differences between SSL and TLS which are given below:

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. TLS stands for Transport Layer Security.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) supports the Fortezza algorithm. TLS (Transport Layer Security) does not support the Fortezza algorithm.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is the 3.0 version. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the 1.0 version.
In SSL( Secure Socket Layer), the Message digest is used to create a master secret. In TLS(Transport Layer Security), a Pseudo-random function is used to create a master secret.
In SSL( Secure Socket Layer), the Message Authentication Code protocol is used. In TLS(Transport Layer Security), Hashed Message Authentication Code protocol is used.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is more complex than TLS(Transport Layer Security). TLS (Transport Layer Security) is simple.
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is less secured as compared to TLS(Transport Layer Security). TLS (Transport Layer Security) provides high security.
SSL is less reliable and slower. TLS is highly reliable and upgraded. It provides less latency.
SSL has been depreciated. TLS is still widely used.
SSL uses port to set up explicit connection. TLS uses protocol to set up implicit connection.

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