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Five Friends and Birthday Puzzle

Last Updated : 18 Jan, 2023
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Joseph, Kieran, Nancy, Adam and Trevor are five members of a family having birth dates from January to May, each member in one of the months may or may not be in the same order. Each one likes a particular item on his/her birthday out of Banana Pie, Chocolates, Pastries, Ice Cream and Dry fruits. Nancy is not fond of dry fruits or ice cream but the one who is fond of Banana Pie is non-other than Trevor who is born in the month immediately after Nancy. Adam who does not like ice cream makes sure to bring Chocolates in February for Joseph. The one who likes Pastries is born in the month which is exactly in the middle of the months given. Use the above information to answer the following questions.

1. Find out the item cherished by Kieran.

2. What is the favourite item of Adam?

3. Which combination of month and item is correct for Joseph?


Joseph likes chocolates, Trevor likes banana pie, and Nancy does not like dry fruits or ice cream, so Nancy likes pastries. Adam does not like ice cream so he is fond of dry fruits and finally Kieran likes ice cream. 
The one who likes pastries Nancy is in is born in the middle of the month given that is in March. Trevor is born in the next month after Nancy which is April, Joseph’s birthday is in February. So, on the basis of the above information, let’s tabulate the data.


1.  We found that Kieran cherishes Ice cream.
2. The favourite item of Adam is Dry fruits.
3. The combination for Joseph is February-Chocolate.

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