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How to Find and Fix Broken Packages on Linux?

Last Updated : 20 Dec, 2023
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On Linux, a package is a compressed archive that includes all the files required to install and run a particular program. There are many types of packages available on the Internet, such as .rpm, .deb, .tar, and more. The type of package that we need to use depends on the distribution that we are working on.


We use package managers to install packages on our system. While installing, we may come across a situation where the installation fails due to an error. This error most probably occurs because of the existence of broken packages on the system.

If you are in a similar kind of situation, then this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss some methods that you can use to find and fix broken packages on Linux.

What are Broken Packages in Linux?

In Linux, broken packages result from incomplete or faulty installations when using package managers like APT. If an unexpected issue occurs during installation, the process stops, leaving the package incomplete. This can disrupt further installations, requiring users to repair the broken package for system stability.

Methods to Find and Fix Broken Packages on Linux

Method 1: Check for updates to Find and fix broken packages on Linux

To check for updates and fix broken packages in Linux, rebuild the list of dependencies with the command: ‘sudo apt update –fix-missing’.

This ensures the update process proceeds smoothly, ignoring any missing packages and preventing errors in the APT package manager.

sudo apt update --fix-missing


Method 2: Use APT Command to Find and fix broken packages on Linux

The APT Command is a package manager on Linux, which helps us install, upgrade, and remove packages on Ubuntu, Debian, and other related distributions. Here is the step-by-step process that you need to follow to find and fix broken packages on your system using this command:

Step 1: Write the below command in the terminal and hit Enter to update the list of packages on the system.



Above, we have used the apt command in conjunction with the update command, which instructs apt to rebuild the list of packages. Since we need root privileges to perform this operation, we have also used the sudo command. Moreover, the –fix-missing option tells apt to ignore broken packages while updating the package list, which ensures that we don’t get an error as the output.

Step 2: Type the following command and hit Enter to find and install all the broken packages on the machine.



Firstly, the -f option finds all the existing broken packages on the system. Then, the install command instructs apt to go ahead and perform the installation of all those packages on the machine.

Step 3: Update the list of packages again by writing the following command in the terminal and hitting Enter.



Evidently, there are no errors in the output, ensuring that the system doesn’t contain any broken packages.

Method 3: Use DPKG Command to Find and fix broken packages on Linux

The dpkg command is another package manager that we can use to manage packages on distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, and other related ones. Let’s see how we can utilize it to find and fix broken packages on Linux:

Step 1: Type the below command in the terminal and hit Enter to reconfigure all the packages that are partially installed on your machine.



The –configure option is used to reconfigure an unpacked package. We have also used the -a option, which helps us choose only the unpacked but unconfigured packages for reconfiguration.

Evidently, if there are broken packages on the system, we will get an error after executing the command. Moreover, the error will list the existing corrupt packages on the machine.

Step 2: Refer to the obtained list of broken packages and remove them one by one from your machine by writing the following command in the terminal and hitting Enter.



Here, the –purge option tells dpkg to remove the texlive-full package from the system. We got the package name from the list of broken packages that we previously obtained.

After using the above command to remove all the broken packages, move on to the next step.

Step 3: Write the below command and hit Enter to clean up the system.



The clean command tells apt to perform a system cleanup process.

Step 4: Update the package list by typing the following Linux command in the terminal and hitting Enter.



As we can see, we haven’t got an error in the output, which ensures that there are no broken packages in the system.


In this article, we talked about some methods that you can follow to find and fix broken packages on your Linux system. So the next time you get stuck while installing a package, use one of the above methods to get yourself out of the situation.

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FAQs to fix broken packages on Linux

1. What is a package on Linux?

On Linux, a package is a compressed archive that includes all the files required to install and run a particular program.

2. What are package managers on Linux?

On Linux, package managers are used to install, upgrade, and remove packages from the system.

3. How many types of packages are available on the Internet?

There are many types of packages available on the Internet, such as .rpm, .deb, .tar, and more.

4. What is the most common reason for a package installation failure?

The most common reason for a package installation failure is the existence of broken packages on the system.

5. What are the two main commands used to find and fix broken packages on Linux?

The two main commands used to find and fix broken packages on Linux are apt and dpkg.

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