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Front-End Development

Last Updated : 29 Nov, 2023
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What is Front-End Development?

Front-end Development is the development or creation of a user interface using some markup languages and other tools. It is basically the development of the user side where only user interaction will be counted. It consists of the interface where buttons, texts, alignments, etc are involved and used by the user.

Languages for Front-end development

Front-end is the part that is accessible to the user only, It should be self-explanatory and must be user-friendly and designed. so to achieve this we have some basic languages which can be used to create interactive web pages. These are the basic needs for the creation of a web page.

Frontend languages





Introduced: 1993

Current: HTML5

  • Hypertext markup language.
  • It forms the basic structure of any web application.
  • Used to create web pages.
  • Helps in the creation of Forms Input Elements, Tables, and structured data.


Introduced: 17 December 1996

Current: CSS3

  • Cascading Style Sheet.
  • Used to design the web pages created by HTML.
  • Responsible for creating responsive web pages.
  • Style web pages
  • Color management


Introduced: 4 December, 1995

Current: ECMAScript 2022

  • A lightweight, cross-platform, single-threaded, and interpreted compiled programming language.
  • Also known as the scripting language for web pages.
  • Make dynamic changes possible
  • Event handling
  • dynamic pages, buttons, etc.

Front-end Development Frameworks

Frameworks add more features to their respective languages. Frameworks provide extra features, structure, fast reloading, and many more things so that developers can develop a SPA(Single page application) easily. Some of them provide inbuilt functions or pre-defined components so that developer can directly use those in their projects.






Introduced: August 26, 2006

Current: 3.7.1

  • Open source JavaScript library which is used to manipulate dom and editing css properties.
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Event Handling
  • AJAX Requests
  • Animation and Effects
  • DOM Traversal and Filtering


Introduced: May 29, 2013

Current: 18.2.0

  • Introduced by meta, which is UI library of JavaScript.
  • It consists of components and states, which helps in code reusability and state management.
  • SPAs
  • Virtual DOM for efficient uodates
  • State management
  • Component based development


Introduced: October 20, 2010

Current: 17.0.3

  • An open source JavaScript framework created by Google.
  • Follows the MVC(Model, View, Controller) pattern for designing the web pages.
  • Single page applications
  • Fast reloading in pages
  • Modern and modular structure.


Introduced: February 2014

Current: 3.3.0

  • One of the greatest frameworks for JavaScript similar to ReactJS.
  • Used to design the user interface layer
  • Reactive Data Binding
  • Component-Based Architecture
  • Vue Directives
  • Vue Router for Navigation


Introduced: August 2011.

Current: 5.3.2

  • A widely-used open-source front-end framework for web development.
  • Provides a collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components and tools
  • Responsive Grid System
  • Pre-Styled Components
  • CSS and JavaScript Components
  • Bootstrap Themes and Templates

Responsive Web Development

It specify that the web application should be accesible to all different devices with different shapes and sizes. It is more important for mobile devices as more traffc is coming up through the mobile devices. These are the methods by these the web applications can be more responsive to various conditions:




A web application should be react according to the given width and height means a web application should change it’s width and height according to the device or environmnet so that it can be more user interactive.

Flexible Images

As the devices width change it is important to fit in the image within the given width. for this we make sure to fit the image according to the given width of devices by using any other framework or raw CSS.

Flexible Grids

Grids in CSS are used to make responsive web application by changing the alignment of the layout according to the device.

Media Query

Media Query in CSS is also used to make web pages responsive. In that we describe what to change on specific point.

Front-End Security

Whenever we create any web page and there is a section for login or signup then there must be a security so that the password given by the user must be secured and can not be accessed by third party between the login session. so we must provide security to our web pages. same goes for the web pages where a payment statement or any other confidential data is transfered or stored.

These are the attacks that can make your web page more risky:

  • DoS (denial of service) attacks: This attack is common in all the other attcks. It can be difficult to deal with this attack as it is originate from thousand of systems in a single time and make your web page very slow. In this attack the attcker try to access the web page from thousands of system in a same time. the solution for denying this attack is we can use firewall or other flatforms which provides the security from these kind of attacks for e.g. CloudFlare.
  • Preventing cross-site request forgery (CSRF): In this attack the attacker put some other buttons or suspicious element into your web page by using that the attcaker can access the token that is present in your web browser. and by using that token they can access your data and can present any kind of mis behaviour that can harm you. It can be prevented by using the md5 or sha256sum algorithm that is used to generate the token.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks: In this attack the attacker replace the some parts of the web page with similar looking component. for e.g. a user clicks a button for submiting the form but it send all the crucial information like bank details to the attacker or it starts downloading the malware files into your system.

Front end development projects

You can make these front end developemen projects to build your strong resume and hand on practice:

Front end development course

If you want to be a front end developer then you must know the basic language like HTML and designing language CSS etc. and there is more thing that you can learn that is mentioned above in a table that are mandatory to be a front end developer.

Also you can learn from official gfg course.

Front end development interview questions


1. How can be JavaScript used in both frontend and backend?

JavaScript is used for both frontend and backend. For the dynamic changes like presenting of event on clicking the button or submission of any form JavaScript can be used in frontend. For creation of API’s and server JavaScript can be used in backend as well.

2. Which framework is best for frontend developement?

All the frameworks has their own features and according to the requirement we use the framework. for e.g. as a beginner a user should use Bootstrap as it shows the instant changes that is visible to eyes and it’s beginner-friendly while if there is requirement of fast and heavy application then user must use the Angular or ReactJs so that they can easily create the SPAs and fastest web pages.

3. Is ReactJs framework or librray?

ReactJs is a library for building user interface, which provides specific tools and capabilities for building user interface and it does not provide any strict rule for project structure. Also it can be intergrated to other projects and can be used with other libraries alongside. while a framework provides a proper project structure, how a data flow should occur etc.

4. How can i use CSS in HTML?

There are 3 methods to include CSS into HTML file.

  • First, we can use inline CSS and add styling to element itself.
  • Second, we can use style tag in head section of HTML file and can use css on that for specific element.
  • Third, we can create a separate file of css and then we can include it using link tag in HTML file.

5. Can we use CSS and Bootsrap simultaneously?

Yes, You can use both. As, CSS will not be on priority, if you want to change something other than bootstrap’s class then you have to use “!important” before specifying css.

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