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Future Replacement of the Append Method in Panda Python

Last Updated : 25 Aug, 2023
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In The Current Version of Panda [‘1.5.3’], if you use the append () function your code will get executed but In Jupyter Notebook you will receive some sort of error or can say Future Warning.

Let’s First execute some series code in pandas Python:

Replacement of the Append Method in Pandas

Below are the methods that we will cover in this article:

  • Problem with the append method in panda[‘1.5.3’]
  • Future Replacement of the Append Method

Problem with the append method in pandas

Here, created two Series [series1, series2] and concatenated them using the append() function. Series -> series3 will be printing series2 first then series1.
But in the Output, you will be getting Future Warnings as shown in the Output.


#Import panda module in your python code
import pandas as pd
#Create two Series
series1 = pd.Series([1,-2,3,4,-3,9,-74])
series2 = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,3,9,74])
#Concatenate two series with append()
series3 = series2.append(series1)


.py:3: FutureWarning: The series append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version.
Use pandas.concat instead.  series3 = series2.append(series1)

The output of the above code run on Jupyter Notebook

This Message is a Warning that says the append method will be no longer supported in Panda so instead of this function Use the Concat method instead.

A good alternative to Pandas.append() method

Since Pandas version 1.5.3, the append the method will give the error when we try to append one series to another but for the future replacement of the append method

Concat Method

Pandas: pandas.concat() function is used to concatenate two or more series objects.


pandas.concat([series1,series2], ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False)

Parameter :

  • Series or list/tuple of Series
  • ignore_index: If True, do not use the index labels.
  • verify_integrity: If True, raise an Exception on creating an index with duplicates

Correction of Code:

Here first we declare both of the series as series1 and series2 and after it instead of using append here, we use the concat method to add one series to another and store it in a series3. Below is the code for these steps


#importing panda module in python program
import pandas as pd
series1 = pd.Series([1,-2,3,4,-3,9,-74])
series2 = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,3,9,74])
series3 = pd.concat([series2,series1],ignore_index=True)



Concatenating the same series with the help of the Concat method


So, after the latest update of the panda module, you will not find any append method as it will be removed from the library. So, avoid using it and use the Concat method instead.

Note: Following article codes are written in Jupyter Notebook.

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