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Google Bard AI can now watch YouTube videos and answer your questions

Last Updated : 23 Nov, 2023
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In a dynamic technological development towards a more interactive online experience for users, Google has unveiled a groundbreaking update to its Bard AI chatbot, revolutionizing the way users engage with YouTube videos. Imagine not just discovering videos but also seamlessly searching into their content with specific questions—Google has turned this into a reality. The recent enhancement allows Bard not only to analyze YouTube videos but also to respond intelligently to inquiries about the content. This means you can now ask Bard about the complexities of a recipe in a cooking tutorial or seek details about an interesting travel destination featured in a video. This transformative advancement in AI functionality not only aligns with YouTube’s recent invasion into generative AI features but also underscores Google’s commitment to enriching user interactions.


Read in Short

Google has expanded the capabilities of its Bard AI chatbot, allowing it to provide specific answers to questions about YouTube videos. While the initial launch of the YouTube Extension in September enabled Bard to analyze videos, this latest enhancement empowers the chatbot to engage in more meaningful conversations about the content within those videos.

Google’s Bard AI chatbot Feature Explained

According to the company’s recent update on Bard’s progress, users can now pose detailed queries related to video content. For instance, if you’re watching a tutorial on making Sponge Cake, Bard can now inform you about the number of eggs required in the recipe from the first video. This advancement reflects Google’s commitment to promoting deeper interactions with YouTube content through the expansion of the YouTube Extension.

Prior to this update, the YouTube Extension primarily facilitated video discovery, allowing users to instruct Bard to find specific videos, such as those categorized as humorous. However, the latest improvements empower users to extract information directly from the video content itself.

For example, if you come across a captivating location in a travel video, you can now ask Bard for details about its whereabouts.

What is the YouTube Comment Summarizer Tool

This announcement follows YouTube’s recent experimentation with new generative AI features, introducing an AI conversational tool that responds to questions about video content. Together, YouTube also unveiled a comments summarizer tool that leverages generative AI to organize discussion topics within video comments, offering users a convenient overview of community interactions.

The benefit of this new Google’s Bard AI chatbot Feature

Google emphasized the tool’s utility for teens, enabling them to seek inspiration, explore new hobbies, and address everyday challenges. From academic queries about university applications to more lighthearted inquiries about learning a new sport, Bard is positioned as a versatile companion for teens navigating diverse topics. As technology continues to evolve, Google’s commitment to enhancing conversational AI experiences with Bard signals a promising direction for the intersection of artificial intelligence and user engagement.

How to enable YouTube extension in Bard

Step 1: Go to Bard Homepage


Open Bard

Step 2: Click on the Puzzle Icon


Click on the Puzzle Icon

Step 3: Enable YouTube


Enable YouTube


Google’s recent expansion of Bard AI’s capabilities represents a significant leap forward. The enhanced ability to provide precise answers to questions about YouTube videos marks a key moment in the evolution of AI-driven conversations. The journey that began with the YouTube Extension’s introduction in September has now reached a new height, enabling Bard not only to analyze videos but to enable richer and more meaningful engagements with their content. This development underscores Google’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI technology, promising users a more immersive and personalized experience as they navigate the vast realm of YouTube content. As Bard continues to evolve, it’s evident that the future of digital interaction is increasingly intelligent, responsive, and tailored to the individual user’s curiosity.

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