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How to Install Android Studio on Kali Linux?

Last Updated : 02 Jan, 2023
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Android Studio is an official integrated development environment (IDE) for android application development. It is available for all platforms macOS, Linux, and windows. It is developed and managed by google and comes under JetBrains. Furthermore, it supports different languages like java, Kotlin, dart, etc.

Installing Android Studio 

Step 1: Downloading the package. Visit this link to download android studio.



Then you will be prompted to accept licenses, go ahead and accept the terms and licenses. It will automatically download the installer as per your system, here we have Kali Linux, so we will have a Debian package.



After clicking on the Download button, the download will automatically start. Wait for the download to complete, it may take some minutes.



Step 2: Unpacking the downloaded package. The zip file will be downloaded, and it’s time to extract it, let’s extract it.



Now in the extracted folder go to the bin directory and open up the terminal there, and type:




Step 4: Executing the android-studio app. You will see android studio opening and a window will appear asking for two options, either import android studio settings from an existing file or do not import settings, as it is the first time we will go with not importing the setting.



After that, you will be prompted to many settings to leave it as default, or you can personalize it as per your choice. At one point, you will see a dialog to download different SDK licenses for Android Studio.



A download will start after you will automatically accept the license agreement. It would probably take 20-30 mins as per your Internet speed.



After all the downloads, you will be on the home page of android-studio,



Step 5: Setting up android-studio. Click on New Project you will be prompted to choose the structure of your app, we will go with empty activity,



After selecting, click on Next, and then you will be prompted to choose your application name, address, and the language you want to develop your app with.



After selecting all the preferences, click on finish, and we are good to go. It will take some time to run all the processes. Now you are good to develop apps.

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