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How To Use ChatGPT To Write Code in 2024

Last Updated : 12 Apr, 2024
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ChatGPT is a revolutionary tool in the ever-changing sphere of programming that makes it possible for developers at all levels of proficiency to use. The language model used by ChatGPT is an extensive one (LLM) that helps streamline coding activities, encourage creative exploration, and increase productivity.

How To Use ChatGPT To Write Code

But how do you write code with ChatGPT in a way that makes use of its capabilities? Its potential will be explained in this guide, making it easier for you to seamlessly integrate it into your workflow.

Why ChatGPT for Coding?

An important thing to note about ChatGPT is that it does not replace human programmers; rather, it is good at automating repetitive tasks that impede development flow. You could imagine writing less boilerplate code when dealing with common data structures such as linked lists or binary trees and producing basic functions for file handling or user input. Consequently, for these purposes, ChatGPT can take over while you concentrate on the main logic and problem-solving aspects of development which are attributed to human expertise.

Further, while typing codes, Capitalized potentially provides word completion tips like smart autocorrect mechanics. Stuck on an approach or algorithm? ChatGPT can help brainstorm novel ideas or even explain existing code’s functionality. It can also assist with debugging by identifying potential syntax errors or logical inconsistencies.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a large language model, a type of artificial intelligence trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This training enables it to recognize patterns, understand natural language instructions, and generate human-quality code. Nevertheless, one must remember that ChatGPT is simply an instrument and not a magical wand. It will not write full applications for them nor will the generated code be polished right away. In this light, however, understanding where chat GPT excels as well as its limitations can allow you to significantly improve your code workflow.

How To Use ChatGPT To Write Code

Here’s a breakdown of how to effectively use ChatGPT to write code, with additional details in each step:

Step 1: Define Your Task with Precision

Before interacting with ChatGPT, meticulously plan what you want the code to achieve. Don’t just have a vague idea; get specific. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Programming Language: Which programming language will you be using (Python, Java, JavaScript, etc.)? Indicating the language helps ChatGPT customize its responses to correct syntax and libraries.
  • Functionality: What specific problem are you trying to solve with this code? Explain in clear terms how this code should work. Examples include user registration form building, sorting an array of numbers, or a machine learning algorithm implementation.
  • Inputs and Outputs: What kind of data will the code receive as input (user input, data from a file, etc.)? In turn, what do we expect that the code will produce as output (display results on the screen, write data to a file, etc.)?
  • Constraints: Are there any limitations or specific requirements the code needs to adhere to? For instance, memory usage limits may apply here; consider performance issues while coding; ensure compatibility with some libraries.

Step 2: Input Your Task as a Clear and Detailed Prompt

Craft a prompt for ChatGPT in natural language, but be as specific as possible. Here are some tips:

  • Start with a clear instruction: Give ChatGPT the tasks you want to do. For instance, say “Write a Python function that accepts a list of numbers and returns the sum of all even numbers in it.”
  • Put these instructions into context: In case your code entails specific libraries or frameworks, state them clearly in the prompt. You can provide relevant pieces of code that you already have as a way of starting point for ChatGPT.
  • Use examples: If applicable, provide examples of input data and expected output to guide ChatGPT towards the desired solution.

Example Prompt:

Write a Python function called calculate_average_grade that takes a list of student grades (integers between 0 and 100) as input. The function should calculate the average grade and return it as a floating-point number. If the list is empty, the function should return None.

Generated Result:

def calculate_average_grade(grades):
    if not grades:
        return None
    return sum(grades) / len(grades)

# Example usage
grades = [85, 90, 92, 78, 85]
average_grade = calculate_average_grade(grades)
print(f"Average grade: {average_grade}")

Step 3: Review the Generated Code with a Critical Eye

ChatGPT might not generate perfect code right off the bat. Review the output carefully, looking for:

  • Functionality: Does the code perform the intended task correctly? Test it with various inputs to ensure it produces the expected results.
  • Syntax Errors: Are there any syntax errors or typos that prevent the code from running?
  • Logic Errors: Does the code contain any logical flaws that lead to incorrect behavior?
  • Readability: Is the code well-formatted, easy to understand, and properly commented?

Step 4: Refine Your Request Based on the Initial Output

The first attempt from ChatGPT might not be perfect, but that’s okay. Here’s how to improve it:

  • Identify improvement areas: Indicate the different features of the code that require alterations after reviewing it.
  • Refine your prompt: Change your prompts to steer ChatGPT in the desired direction based on the initial output. Be as specific as possible about what you would like to change. Here are some examples:
  • If this code fails with edge cases (empty lists, invalid inputs), please include such situations in your prompt and ask ChatGPT to adjust the code accordingly.
  • If the code is functionally correct but hard to understand, request ChatGPT for refactoring that makes reading easier by adhering to a well-known coding convention.
  • If there is an algorithm of preference envisaged, indicate it in your prompt and request ChatGPT to produce code implementing that algorithm.

Step 5: Test the Generated Code Thoroughly

Don’t rely solely on ChatGPT’s output. Write unit tests to verify the code’s functionality across various input scenarios. Manually test the code with different inputs to ensure it produces the expected results under all conditions. Look for unexpected behavior, errors, or inefficiencies.

Step 6: Understand the Generated Code

While ChatGPT can generate code, it’s crucial to understand the logic behind it. Take the time to analyze the code and grasp how it works. This helps you:

  • Identify potential issues: Understanding the logic allows you to spot potential problems in the code’s design or implementation.
  • Make future modifications: You may need to alter the logic sometime later on when making changes in your algorithm.
  • Integrate it effectively: When integrating the generated code into your larger project, understanding its functionality is crucial for seamless integration.

Step 7: Refactor the Code (Optional)

If the generated code is functional but not optimal, consider refactoring it to improve:

  • Readability: Better readability of codes can be achieved by using meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and comments for explanation of complex logic.
  • Maintainability: Make sure your coding best practices are considered while avoiding overly complicated structures making it easier to comprehend and adjust the code in future times.
  • Efficiency: If performance is crucial, consider any potential bottlenecks in the program and optimize speed or memory usage if necessary.

Step 8: Document the Code Clearly

Document the code comprehensively, even if it was generated by ChatGPT. This documentation serves several purposes:

  • Understanding the purpose: Clearly explain what the code does and the problem it solves.
  • Functionality breakdown: Describe the different functions or modules within the code and their roles.
  • Assumptions made: If the code relies on any specific assumptions or external libraries, document them clearly.
  • Future reference: This documentation helps you and other developers understand the code’s purpose and functionality in the future.


ChatGPT is a vital tool in your coding backpack and in order to use Chatgpt to write code, know its advantages and disadvantages, create good prompts, and adhere to the best practices possible so that you can utilize it for faster development, stimulation of creativity and increased programming productivity. Nevertheless, remember that ChatGPT is not a substitute for your problem-solving skills and critical abilities. Therefore, unlock your coding game by experimenting with it and mastering its full potential.

Must Read:

FAQs on How To Use ChatGPT To Write Code

Can ChatGPT write entire programs for me?

ChatGPT only generates pieces of code that work thereby meaning it does not generate whole programs from scratch. For example, consider it as an able helper who takes on specific programming obstacles while you focus on developing the main logic as well as solving problems on it.

Is the code generated by ChatGPT reliable?

The reliability of the generated code will be heavily dependent on how clear and detailed your prompts are. As such, always go through the code thoroughly checking its functionalities before testing it for any logical fallacies or errors that may be present within the code yet which could have been avoided by adhering to proper coding techniques.

What are the benefits of using ChatGPT for coding?

ChatGPT offers several benefits for programmers:

  • Increase Productivity: Automate repetitive tasks like generating boilerplate code and receive suggestions when completing your codes thus allowing you to save time.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Brainstorm novel approaches and explore different coding paradigms, fostering innovation in your projects.
  • Enhance Efficiency: Use ChatGPT for debugging help or understanding the ‘how’ behind codes in order to streamline your development process.

How can I get started using ChatGPT for coding?

Several online platforms and APIs offer access to ChatGPT. Start by familiarizing yourself with the interface and explore its capabilities. Then, follow the steps outlined in this guide:

  • Define your coding task clearly.
  • Craft a detailed and specific prompt for ChatGPT.
  • Review the generated code and refine your prompt as needed.
  • Test the code thoroughly to ensure its functionality.
  • Understand the logic behind the generated code.
  • (Optional) Refactor the code for better readability or efficiency.
  • Document the code for future reference.

By taking these steps along with knowing the strengths as well as limitations of ChatGPT, you will be able to make use of it effectively thereby making coding workflow interesting and productive.

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