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Insight Software Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus)

Last Updated : 13 Oct, 2023
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Round 1 (Coding Test):

We had our online test on the campus itself, and core questions basically MCQ were asked along with 3 coding questions it is good to have knowledge of the JAVA programming language

  • DSA type of SORTING URL
  • OOPS on JAVA (Good to have JAVA language)
  • MYSQL query (If you have good knowledge you will be able to solve it ).

After that we had our aptitude round immediately 45 questions in 30 min or so, easy only if you have a decent knowledge of aptitude.

Then we had our psychological test please be honest questions are repeated after some time you will be caught otherwise

Well, a heck of a test Right well yes the Round-1 results are a combination of all the 3 tests and generally, if you solve 2 coding questions you will get a call for an interview.

Round 2 (Interview):

Out of 250 students who appeared 25 were selected for the interview process

The interview was very friendly and they started with my introduction, and projects discussed with me for about 35-40 minutes

Then I was given Questions about DSA to type out and solve in front of him, the questions asked to everyone were different but if you practice the famous DSA of all important topics you will be able to solve it. I was asked about LL, ARRAY, STRING, and HASHMAP IN JAVA.

Yes, my interview was the longest of all 25 people I was not asked bout core at all but my other friends were asked about topics like CNCS, DBMS, OOPS, OS, and MYSQL. Be thorough with your core.

I was selected for the next round. (Totally 12 were selected out of 25 after 1st round ).

Round 3 (Managerial – Hr ):

This round is upto the interviewer you get Like in case of most of the students it was the VP of the company asking different questions whether it was HR type or core or real time problems . Just stay calm and think of it as an conversation and tell your approach at every moment , discuss with the interviewer . I had my interview with Engineering Director of Insight and he asked me real time problem of a ecommerce store and where I had to solve it , or discuss my approach applying My coding knowledge

well me moved with simple data structures to a solution revolving around OOPS (mainly inheritence , overloading ) and then he asked me some questions about OS and THEN some normal hr questions and about my extracurricular activities in college . We were told that the result will come after 2 – 3 days .

Result :-

I wasn’t selected out of 12. 6 were selected it was internship + FTE(Performance basis ) role


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