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Int16.Equals Method in C# with Examples

Last Updated : 04 Apr, 2019
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Int16.Equals() Method is used to get a value which indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object or Int16. There are 2 methods in the overload list of this method which are as follows:

  • Equals(Int16) Method
  • Equals(Object) Method


This method is used to return a value indicating whether the current instance is equal to a specified Int16 value or not.

Syntax: public bool Equals (short obj);
Here, it takes a Int16 value to compare to this instance.

Return Value: This method returns true if obj has the same value as this instance otherwise, false.

Below programs illustrate the use of Int16.Equals(Int16) Method:

Example 1:

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Int16.Equals(Int16) Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Declaring and initializing value1
        short value1 = 15;
        // Declaring and initializing value2
        short value2 = 17;
        // compare both Int16 value
        // using Equals(Int16) method
        bool status = value1.Equals(value2);
        // checking the status
        if (status)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",
                                    value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}",
                                        value1, value2);


15 is not equal to 17

Example 2:

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Int16.Equals(Int16) Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // calling get() method
        get(5, 5);
        get(5, 4);
        get(10, 20);
        get(7, 7);
    // defining get() method
    public static void get(short value1,
                           short value2)
        // Compare both Int16 value
        // using Equals(Int16) method
        bool status = value1.Equals(value2);
        // checking the status
        if (status)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",
                                    value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}",
                                        value1, value2);


5 is equal to 5
5 is not equal to 4
10 is not equal to 20
7 is equal to 7

Int16.Equals(Object) Method

This method is used to returns a value indicating whether the current instance is equal to a specified object or not.

Syntax: public override bool Equals (object obj);
Here, it takes an object to compare with this instance.

Return Value: This method returns true if obj is an instance of Int16 and equals the value of this instance otherwise, false.

Below programs illustrate the use of the above-discussed method:

Example 1:

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Int16.Equals(Object) Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Declaring and initializing value1
        short value1 = 10;
        // Declaring and initializing value2
        // It will convert into Int16 implicitly 
        // by the compiler to check whether it is 
        // in the range of short data type i.e. 
        // Int16 or not
        object value2 = 37;
        // using Equals(object) method
        bool status = value1.Equals(value2);
        // checking the status
        if (status)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",
                                    value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}",
                                        value1, value2);


10 is not equal to 37

Example 2:

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Int16.Equals(Object) Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // calling get() method
        get(5, 5);
        get(5, 4);
        get(10, 20);
        get(7, 7);
    // defining get() method
    // The second parameter will get converted to Int16  
    // implicitly by the compiler to check whether  
    // it is in the range of short data type i.e. 
    // Int16 or not
    public static void get(short value1,
                         object value2)
        // using Equals(object) method
        bool status = value1.Equals(value2);
        // checking the status
        if (status)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}",
                                    value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}",
                                        value1, value2);


5 is not equal to 5
5 is not equal to 4
10 is not equal to 20
7 is not equal to 7


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