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Is it Legal to Gamble in Texas?

Last Updated : 28 Mar, 2024
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No, it is not Legal to Gamble in Texas.

The Texas Penal Code defines gambling as risking something of value on the outcome of a contest of chance or a future event not under the person’s control or influence, with the understanding that the person will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome.
However, there are a few notable exceptions:

  • The Texas Lottery: A state-regulated lottery
  • Horse and greyhound racing: Pari-mutuel wagering is allowed on these races.
  • Tribal casinos: There are a limited number of Native American casinos operating under federal law.
  • Charitable bingo and raffles: Limited operation under specific restrictions.

It’s important to note that “social gambling”, like a casual poker game with friends where no one profits, might be tolerated. However, hosting or organizing gambling activities is illegal.

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

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