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JavaScript Intl RelativeTimeFormat() Constructor

Last Updated : 12 Apr, 2023
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JavaScript Intl RelativeTimeFormat() Constructor is used for creating Intl.RelativeTimeFormat object. This constructor is created using the new keyword. If we create the constructor without the new keyword it will give a TypeError.


new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(loc, opt)

Parameters: It has two parameters both are optional.

  • loc: It is a String or an array of Strings that contains the general form and interpretation of arguments
  • opt: It is an object which contains properties like localeMatcher and style and numeric.

Return Value: An Intl.RelativeFormat object.

Below examples illustrate the JavaScript Intl RelativeTimeFormat() Constructor:

Example 1: This example creates a basic RelativeTimeFormat Object and uses it to format the time.


const timeFormat = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat("en",{
    localeMatcher: "lookup",
    numeric: "always",
    style: "short",


2 yr. ago
VM162:8 3 wk. ago

Example 2: This example uses RelativeTimeFormat Object with auto property


const timeFormat = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat("en",{
    localeMatcher: "lookup",
    numeric: "auto",
    style: "long",


in 2 days
3 days ago

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

We have a complete list of JavaScript Intl methods to check please go through, the JavaScript Intl Reference article

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