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jQuery CDN

Last Updated : 01 Dec, 2023
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jQuery CDN is a fast and lightweight JavaScript library facilitating a service that hosts and distributes the jQuery library files to users across the internet. It also helps to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. The jQuery UI CDN facilitates HTML client-side scripting, rendering the process of creating Web 2.0 applications more straightforward and efficient.

Why use jQuery CDN Links?

  • Performance: jQuery files hosted on a CDN are distributed across multiple servers globally, which enhances speed.
  • Reduce Server load: Using CDN link to the website means your server does not have to handle the load every time for each visitor, which makes it easy to manage whenever heavy traffic comes on the website and makes it more performant
  • Ease of use: It is easy to use developers can include the link in their HTML file.

Official jQuery CDN Link

<script src=

Example: This example illustrates the basic implementation of the jQuery CDN Link.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
    <title>JQuery CDN Link Example</title>
    <!-- JQuery CDN link -->
    <script src=
    <h1 class="gfg"
        style="color: green;">
    <p id="bg"
       style="font-size: 20px;">
        Click the button below for apply
        background color using jQuery 
    <button id="btn">Click</button>
        // jQuery Code      
        function clicked() {
                .css("background-color", "rgb(169, 232, 142)");



jQuery CDN


  • Decreased Load Time: If we use CDN links to our projects it will decrease the load time of a particular website this is because it is loaded by the content delivery network, not from your website.
  • Global Network: Use the CDN links of Google, Cloudflare, Microsoft, etc., according to the user of your website and the global network of the companies provided CDN links.


  • Availability Dependency: When you are using CDN links it means it will depend on the availability of that CDN.
  • Regional Restrictions: If the CDN is blocked in a certain region then the user of that area would not properly access the website.
  • Version Control: It is dependent on the version if you have specified the version in your project then you have to change it over time otherwise you will not be able to benefit from the latest version changes and bug fixes.

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