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Length Width Height

Last Updated : 20 Feb, 2024
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Length, Width, and height are the dimensions of a geometrical figure which indicate how long, how wide, and how high the figure is. Length, width, and Height are important tools for geometrical figures.

In this article, you will learn every detail related to length, width, and height. If you are a genuine student and curious to know about length, width, and height, then you are at the right place.

What is Length Width Height?

Length, width, and height are used to find the side or dimensions of an object. A figure’s longest side is length, width is the shorter side of a figure and the vertical dimension of the figure is called height. Length and width are used in two-dimensional shapes (2D shapes), whereas in three-dimensional shapes (3D shapes), we use the height along with the length and width.



Tool that requires measuring distance between two points, is known as Length. Length is used to measure the longest dimension of a figure. Length is a linear measurement, which is used to measure only the distance separating two points. The units of length are meters, kilometers, centimeters, inches, and so on.

As an example of length, we can say, the length of the pitch of a cricket ground is 20 metre long.


Tool that is used to measure the shorter distance of an object or a figure, is called Width. It is the shorter dimension of a figure. Width is a linear measurement which is used to measure only the shorter distance of an object. The units of width are meters, kilometres , centimeters, inches, and so on.

As an example of width, we can say, width of the pitch of a cricket ground is 5 metre long.


Another term of height is Depth. Height or depth is the third vertical dimension of object in 3D shape. It identifies how deep or how high an object is. Units of height are meters, kilometres, centimeters, inches, and so on.

How to Write Dimensions of Length Width Height

Dimensions of length, width, and height can write very easily as we already read the defination of these tools. In a 2D geometrical shape, we get only two dimensions, a length and a width (breadth). In a 3D shape, we get all three dimensions of length, width, and height. The longest side of the figure is labelled as the length. The vertical dimension is written as the height or depth. The remaining side is called width or breadth.

This concept is shown in the above diagram. Units of these dimensions are expressed in units like meters, centimeters, inches, and so on.


When all the three dimensions multiplied together, the we get volume of a geometrical shape. Volume is defined as the quantity of space occupied by a geometrical shape. The volume of a cuboid is equal to the multiplication of its length, breadth, and height. In other words, if we multiply all three dimensions together, we get the volume of a cuboid or any rectangular box.

Mathematically, Volume of a Rectangular Prism (cuboid) or a Box = Length × Width × Height.

For example, if length, width, and height of a rectangular prism is 5, 8 and 10 units respectively, then its volume (V) is,

V = 5 × 8 × 10

V = 400 cube units

Length Vs Width

Length and width both are used to measure distance or dimension of a side but there is a remarkable difference between these two. Length is the longest dimension whereas width is the shortest dimension. Length is always larger than the width. In other words, length denotes a figure’s longer side, while width denotes its shorter side. Width (breadth) gives the wide nature of a geometrical shape while the length tells how long a shape is.

If two measurements of a geometrical shape are given which is 100 cm and 70 cm respectively, then we can easily say that 100 cm is the length and 70 cm is the width.

Length, Width, and Height in Rectangle

A rectangle is an example of 2D shape, so, it has only length and width but a rectangular box or a rectangular prism (cuboid) is 3D shape so that it has all three dimensions: length, width, and height. So, we can say that extensions of rectangular shape in 3D contains length, width, and height.

Length Width Height Formula

Length, Width, and Height are used to calculate volume and surface area of a rectangular prism by using certain formulas. These formulas are given below,

Volume of Rectangular Prism Formula

Volume of Rectangular Prism = length × width × height

Surface Area of Rectangular Prism Formula

Lateral Surface Area of Rectangular Prism = 2 [(length × width) + (width × height)]

Total Surface Area of Rectangular Prism = 2 [(length × width) + (width × height) + (length × height)]

Length Width Height of a Box

Length, width, and height of a box can be expressed easily by looking at its shape. Because we know that length of box is generally the longest side, its width is the shorter side, and its height is dimesion in vertical dimension.


Generally for any 3-D shapes dimensions is written as, Length, followed by Width or Breadth, and Height. It means that if a box’s dimensions are to be measured, then it should be stated as length, width, and height. For instance, 10 meter, 5 meter, and 8 meter denotes,

  • Length of Box = 10 meter
  • Width of Box = 5 meter
  • Height of Box = 8 meter

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Length Width Height Examples

Some of examples on topic of length, width, and height are,

Example 1: Dimensions of a 2D rectangle garden is 50 meter and 35 meter. What is dimension of the length and width?


As we know,

Longer Dimension is generaly considered Length and Shorter one is width

Dimension of Length is 50 meter and Width is 35 meter

Example 2: If the dimensions of a rectangular box is 26 m, 22 m, and 24 m respectively. What will be the value of the height of this rectangular box?


As we know, dimensions in a 3D shape is expressed in order of length, width, and height.

Given dimensions,

  • Length = 26 m
  • Width = 22 m
  • Height = 24 m

So, Height is 24 meter

Example 3: Length, Width, and Height of a rectangular prism is given as 6 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm. Determine its volume.



  • Length = 6 cm
  • Width = 4 cm
  • Height = 5 cm

Volume = length × width × height

Volume = 6 × 4 × 5

Volume = 120 cm³

Practice Questions on Length Width Height

Some practice questions on Length, Width and Height are,

Q1: Find volume of a cuboid having length, width and height as, length = 12 cm, width = 8 cm, height = 4 cm.

Q2: Find volume of a cuboid having length, width and height as, length = 18 m, width = 9 m, height = 3 m.

Q3: Find TSA of a cuboid having length, width and height as, length = 42 cm, width = 28 cm, height = 14 cm.

Q4: Find LSA of a cuboid having length, width and height as, length = 7 cm, width = 5 cm, height = 6 cm.

Frequently Asked Questions on Length Width Height

What is Length Width Height?

Length, Width and Height are the tools that are used to measure dimensions of various 3-d objects.

Which is Longer Dimension Between Width and Length?

Length is longer dimension. Length is generally used for measurement of longer dimensions of an object.

What will Happen to Dimension if Object is Round, like a Ball?

For different measurements for objects like balls we use radius or diameter instead of length, width, or height if the object is round. ‘Height’ of a sphere equals to its diameter.

Is Volume Always Calculated by Formula “length × width × height”?

Formula of volume is generally, “length × width × height” for 3-D shapes where its dimensions are, Length, Width, and Height.

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