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Lodash _.methodize() Method

Last Updated : 18 Sep, 2020
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The Lodash _.methodize() method takes a function and pulls the first argument out of the argument list and into this position. The returned function calls the original with its receiver (this) pre-pending the argument list.


_.methodize( function );

Parameters: This method accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • function: original function containing arguments.

Return Value: This method returns a function.

Note: To execute the below examples, you have to install the lodash-contrib library by using this command prompt and execute the following command.

npm install lodash-contrib

Below examples illustrate the Lodash _.methodize() method in JavaScript:

Example 1:


// Defining lodash contrib variable
var _ = require('lodash-contrib'); 
function gfgFunc (obj) {
    return + " : " + obj.about;
var Geeks = {
    name: "GeeksforGeeks",
    about: "Computer Science Portal for Geeks",
    fun: _.methodize(gfgFunc)


GeeksforGeeks : Computer Science Portal for Geeks

Example 2: 


// Defining lodash contrib variable
var _ = require('lodash-contrib'); 
function gfgFunc (obj) {
    return "Geeks";
fun= _.methodize(gfgFunc)



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