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Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador (MLSA) Experience

Last Updated : 17 Nov, 2023
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Hey everyone! Hope you are doing well. I’ve received numerous inquiries on LinkedIn regarding the application process for the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador (MLSA) program. Many have requested tips for enhancing their chances of getting selected. To address these queries, I’m delighted to share my MLSA journey and how I successfully secured a spot in this esteemed program. If you’re aspiring to join MLSA, this article will guide you through the preparation process.

The Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador program opens doors to a vibrant community of tech-savvy students. This program empowers tech enthusiasts like yourself to showcase your skills, expand your knowledge, and become an integral part of this extensive network. As an MLSA, you’ll gain invaluable experience in organizing tech events, collaborating with peers, and contributing to the community’s growth.

The application process is straightforward yet competitive, as many applicants vie for selection. Your application serves as your first and last impression, so it’s crucial to present yourself effectively.

Enhancing Your Application

To successfully navigate the application process, I recommend dividing it into two main parts:


Craft a concise resume highlighting your achievements, including projects, skills, educational background, positions of responsibility, and, most importantly, links to your coding platforms.

Essays and Video:

This section is the heart of your application and often the source of nervousness for many applicants. However, fret not! All you need is a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of confidence.

There are a total of three questions in this section. You’ll need to submit two essays and one video. Choose which question you’d like to address through video and the remaining two questions for your essays.

The three essay topics are:

  • Inspire: What ignites your passion for technology and why do you aspire to empower fellow students to explore and learn?
  • Teach: How would you break down a technical concept and explain it to a friend or peer who has no prior knowledge of it?
  • Promote: If you were hosting an event at your school, how would you attract students to attend?

This section plays a pivotal role in making your application stand out from the crowd. Unleash your imagination and creativity while maintaining authenticity. Focus on delivering the content in the most effective way possible. Refrain from copying content or answers from others, as this could lead to disqualification. Trust your abilities and give it your best shot.

Stages in the Program

The MLSA program is structured into four stages, or milestones:

  • New
  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gold

Your journey begins at the “New” level. To progress to the next level, you’ll need to complete the tasks assigned to each stage.

New to Alpha: Embarking on Learning

Upon being selected, you’ll receive the “New” badge. To advance to Alpha, you must complete a learning path. There are numerous options to choose from.

Alpha to Beta: Mastering Technical Skills

Upon successful completion of your learning path, you’ll be promoted to Alpha. To reach Beta, you’ll need to complete a technical onboarding. The guidebook provided will outline the steps involved.

Beta to Gold: Sharing Your Expertise

After successfully completing the technical onboarding, you’ll need to organize an event, either offline or online, focusing on one of Microsoft’s technologies. It’s mandatory to have at least 15 attendees, speak for at least 30-40 minutes, and ensure the event lasts for at least an hour.

Remember to use the Teams account provided by the Learn Student Ambassador community. Avoid using your personal account. Ensure you record the event as it will be required for review.

Gold Milestone: A Commitment to Community

To achieve the Gold milestone, a commitment of 1-1.5 years to the community is required. You can participate in various sessions hosted by others, organize your own sessions, and engage in community-related initiatives to support fellow students.

My MLSA journey has been an extraordinary experience, not only facilitating my exploration of new technologies but also fostering a deep sense of collaboration and community engagement. The program has provided me with invaluable networking opportunities, enabling me to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for technology.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, and if you’ve found this article helpful, please consider giving it a like.

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