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p5.js displayHeight Variable

Last Updated : 10 Aug, 2023
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The displayHeight variable in p5.js is used to store the height of the screen display of the device. The value of height is stored according to the default pixelDensity. This variable is used to run a full-screen program on any display size. Multiply it with pixelDensity to return the actual screen size.



Parameters: This function does not accept any parameter.

Below program illustrates the displayHeight variable in p5.js:

function setup() {
    createCanvas(1000, 400);
    // Set text size to 40px
function draw() {
    rect(mouseX, mouseY, 30, 30);
    //Use of displayHeight Variable
    text("Display Height is " + displayHeight, 30, 40);



function setup() {
    createCanvas(1000, displayHeight);
    // Set text size to 40px
function draw() {
    rect(mouseX, mouseY, 30, 30);
    //Use of displayHeight Variable
    text("Canvas Size of Display is displayHeight is " 
         + displayHeight, 30, 40);



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