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PhonePe Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

Last Updated : 13 Sep, 2023
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PhonePe visited our college to hire students for Internships and full-time roles.

Round 1:

It consisted of only 1 section.

There were 18 questions in total. However, the categories of questions were different.

  • First Category: It comprised 15 technical multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that covered topics like OOPS, SQL, CN, and OS. The level of difficulty was intermediate.
  • Second Category: It came up with 3 coding questions to solve. You can select any language of your choice for writing the code. Compared to coding questions from other firms, the questions were quite difficult. One was solved using Dynamic Programming and the other was decode a string.

Out of the students who appeared in the first round, 33 of them were selected for the second round.

On the very next day, we had a pre-placement talk in which they gave a brief about PhonePe and its workflow and reach in the country. Then we were told that we’ll have 3 rounds of interviews of which two will be purely DSA-based and on the same day and the results will be out on the same day. ​

Round 2: [Technical Round 1]

This round varied for everyone, some were asked questions about projects and some were grounded on OOPS, some on DBMS, and some on CN. They checked the understanding of your core concepts and the knowledge you have about data structures. They asked a few questions on different Data Structures. Some were asked questions about trees while some were on stacks. The questions of this round were relatively simpler. Some were asked to write code for balanced parenthesis, while some were to check for duplicates in an array. Some were even asked about tries and their applications. You have to make sure you aren’t leaving any topic untouched. It’s better to have at least surface-level knowledge of everything.

Out of 33 students, 12 were selected for the next round.

Round 3: [Technical Round 2]
This round was similar to the first Technical Round but the level of the questions was a bit high. They test your in-depth knowledge of Data Structures in this round​. You might be asked to explain your approach on paper or to solve the problem on leetcode on their laptop screen. They’ll also ask some questions about your projects. You have to make sure that you know everything you’ve mentioned in your resume. From a small implementation of simpler things to vast technologies they expect you to know everything you’ve mentioned in your projects. With all this, the second technical round is also over. Out of the 12 remaining 7 students were selected for the Managerial Round.

Round 4: [Managerial Round]

This round is to test your understanding. How much knowledge you have of a vast variety of things. They don’t expect you to know everything in depth but they do expect you to have surface-level knowledge of everything thing. From technical to core to your projects you’ll be asked everything.

After the last round, they took 3 students.

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