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PhonePe Recruitment Process

Last Updated : 12 Feb, 2024
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PhonePe, an Indian firm specializing in digital payments and financial services, has its headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Established in December 2015 by Sameer Nigam, Rahul Chari, and Burzin Engineer, the PhonePe app, utilizing the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), was launched in August 2016. In a technical interview for PhonePe, candidates for programming roles are likely to encounter questions spanning data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees), algorithms (sorting, searching, dynamic programming), and language-specific topics in C, C++, and Python. Emphasis is placed on proficiency in writing clean and efficient code, problem-solving abilities, and a solid understanding of database basics


PhonePe Recruitment Process

About Company

If you want to know more about the company visit: About PhonePe

Recruitment Process

The DE Shaw interview process mainly consists of 4 rounds:

  • Round 1: Offline Coding Assessment
  • Round 2: Technical Interview 1
  • Round 3: Technical Interview 2
  • Round 4: HR + Technical Round

Academic Criteria

  • 10th and 12th: 50% and above
  • CGPA: 6 and above (no active backlogs)

Offline Coding Assessment

  • Coding Questions: It consisted of four questions and 90 minutes.
  • Questions are of easy-medium in difficulty (Codeforces 1300 to 1400 rating)
  • Questions on Dynamic Programming are also asked

Technical Interview 1

  • Coding Questions: It consisted of two coding questions.
  • Questions are of typical GFG medium Questions.
  • You can be asked scenario-based questions and a couple of questions on CS fundamentals as well in this round.

Technical Interview 2

  • Same format as Round 2(Technical Interview 1), consisting of two coding questions.
  • Questions are of medium-hard in difficulty.
  • You may also be asked questions about data structures, algorithms, and SQL.

HR + Technical Round

In this round, you will be asked general questions like:

  1. Why PhonePe?
  2. Why not choose companies like Google, and Amazon which are offering much higher than PhonePe?
  3. Which thing made you choose PhonePe? 

For the Technical part,Interviewer ask basic-medium type of questions on spanning data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees), algorithms (sorting, searching, dynamic programming), and language-specific topics in C, C++. You may also be asked questions about SQL and Computer Networks.

Interview Experience

It is always beneficial if you know what it is to be there at that moment. So, to give you an advantage, we provide you with Interview Experiences of candidates who have been in your situation earlier. Make the most of it.

Questions Asked in PhonePe

  1. What’s the difference between Stack memory and heap memory?
  2. What is inheritance in C++?
  3. What is Deadlock?
  4. Generate Parentheses

Where to Apply ?

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