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PHP | Ds\Deque find() Function

Last Updated : 24 Mar, 2021
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The Ds\Deque::find() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to find the index of the element in the Deque if element found in the Deque.

public Ds\Deque::find( $value ) : mixed

Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $value which holds the element whose index is to be found.
Return Value: This function returns the index of the element if element exist, else returns false.
Below programs illustrate the Ds\Deque::find() function in PHP:
Program 1: 


// Declare a deque
$deck = new \Ds\Deque([10, 20, 3, 40, 50, 6]);
echo("Elements in the Deque\n");
// Display the Deque elements
echo("\nIndex of 3 in the deque: ");
// Use find() function to find
// the index of element


Elements in the Deque
Ds\Deque Object
   [0] => 10
   [1] => 20
   [2] => 3
   [3] => 40
   [4] => 50
   [5] => 6
Index of 3 in the deque: 2

Program 2: 


// Declare a deque
$deck = new \Ds\Deque(["Geeks", "for", "GFG"]);
echo("Elements in the Deque\n");
// Display the Deque elements
echo("\nIndex of 3 in the deque: ");
// Use find() function to find
// the index of element


Elements in the Deque
Ds\Deque Object
   [0] => Geeks
   [1] => for
   [2] => GFG
Index of 3 in the deque: bool(false)


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