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Plot a Geometric Distribution Graph in R Programming – dgeom() Function

Last Updated : 30 Jun, 2020
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dgeom() function in R Programming is used to plot a geometric distribution graph.

Syntax: dgeom(x, prob)


  • prob: prob of the geometric distribution
  • x: x values of the plot

Example 1:

# R program to illustrat
# dgeom function to plot
# Specify x-values for dgeom function
x_dgeom <- seq(2, 10, by = 1)    
# Apply dgeom function 
y_dgeom <- dgeom(x_dgeom, prob = 0.5)    
# Plot dgeom values 


Example 2:

# R program to illustrate
# dgeom() function to plot
# Specify x-values for dgeom function
x_dgeom <- seq(1, 7, by = 1)    
# Apply dgeom function 
y_dgeom <- dgeom(x_dgeom, prob = 0.05)    
# Plot dgeom values 


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