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Surface area of Cube using JavaScript

Last Updated : 14 Mar, 2024
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A cube is a 3-dimensional box-like figure represented in the 3-dimensional plane that has six-shaped faces. It has length, width, and height of the same dimension. Three sides of a cube meet at the same vertex.

We can find the Surface area of Cube in JavaScript by using different ways including, the JavasScript function, Arrow function, and by using class.

Using JavaScript Function

We will create a function that will hold the formula by taking the edge of a cube (a) as a parameter. The function proceeds to calculate the Surface area of the Cube using the formula (6 * a * a). The calculated Surface Area is returned as the result of the function.


function surfaceAreaCube(a) {
return 6 * a * a;

Example: Below is the function to find the Surface area of the Cube

function surfaceAreaCube(a) {
    return (6 * a * a);

let a = 10;
console.log('Surface area = ' + surfaceAreaCube(a)); 


Surface area = 600

Using Arrow function

ES6 Arrow functions enable us to write functions with simpler and shorter syntax. We can utilize this function that will return the Surface area of a Cube. First, we will define a function and pass a (edge) as an argument. we will write the mathematical expression that will return the Surface area of a cube. Finally, we will call the function.


surfaceAreaCube = (a) => {
return(6 * a * a)

Example: Below is the function to find the Surface area of the Cube:

surfaceAreaCube = (a) => {
    return (6 * a * a)

let a = 10;
console.log('Surface area = ' + surfaceAreaCube(a)); 


Surface area = 600

Using class

Classes are similar to functions. Here, a class keyword is used instead of a function keyword. Unlike functions classes in JavaScript are not hoisted. The constructor method in JavaScript is a special method used for initializing objects created with a class. We need to pass the edge (a) as a parameter that will hold the surface area calculated as 6 * a * a. Finally, we will create an object for the class and pass the value (a).


class SurfaceArea {
constructor(a) {
this.surfaceArea = 6 * a * a;

Example: Below is the function to find the Surface area of the Cube

class SurfaceArea {
    constructor(a) {
        this.surfaceArea = 6 * a * a;

const cube = new SurfaceArea(10);
console.log('Surface area = ' + cube.surfaceArea); 


Surface area = 600

Time complexity: O(1), as the execution time is constant and does not grow with the size of the input.

Auxiliary Space complexity: O(1) as it uses a constant amount of memory regardless of the input size.

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