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What does the type attribute specify in the HTML Input Tag?

Last Updated : 21 Feb, 2024
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The “type” attribute in the <input> tag specifies the type of input control that will be rendered. It determines the behavior and appearance of the input field, allowing developers to create various forms and collect different types of data from users.


<input type="value">

The table below illustrates the Input Types alongside their descriptions.

Input Type Description
text Creates a single-line text input field for users to enter text data.
password Similar to the “text” type but hides the entered characters for password input fields.
checkbox Displays a checkbox input that allows users to select one or more options from a list.
radio Renders a radio button input, allowing users to select one option from a group of choices.
submit Creates a submit button that submits the form data to the server when clicked.
reset Generates a reset button that clears all form fields when clicked.
file Generates a file input field, allowing users to upload files from their local device.
email Provides an input field specifically designed for email addresses, including validation and suggestions (HTML5).
date Displays a date picker for selecting dates (HTML5).
number Renders an input field restricted to numeric values, with optional min, max, and step attributes (HTML5).
etc. Various other types are available, each tailored to specific input requirements and behaviors.


  • The “type” attribute enables developers to create interactive forms with different input controls tailored to specific data input needs.
  • It ensures proper data validation and user experience by presenting appropriate input fields and handling input data accordingly.
  • HTML5 introduces new input types and attributes, enhancing form usability and accessibility across modern web browsers.

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