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What is Solidity Compiler?

Last Updated : 08 May, 2023
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Solidity is a programming language that is used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that run on the blockchain and automatically enforce the terms of an agreement between parties. The Solidity compiler is an essential tool for developers to write, test, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

What is the Solidity Compiler?

The Solidity compiler is an open-source compiler that translates Solidity code into bytecode that can be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is written in the Go programming language and is used to compile Solidity code into executable bytecode. The Solidity compiler is responsible for ensuring that the smart contract code adheres to the rules and requirements of the Ethereum network.

  • Solidity Compiler Versions: Each version of the Solidity compiler has its own set of features and limitations. For example, some versions of Solidity support new features such as ABIEncoderV2, while other versions do not. It is important to select the appropriate version of the Solidity compiler based on the requirements of your smart contract.
  • Solidity Compiler Settings: The Solidity compiler has several settings that can be configured to control how the Solidity code is compiled. These settings include the target EVM version, optimization level, and gas limit. The target EVM version determines which version of the EVM the bytecode will be compatible with. The optimization level determines how aggressively the Solidity compiler will optimize the bytecode. The gas limit determines the maximum amount of gas that can be used when executing the bytecode on the Ethereum network.
  • Solidity Compiler Plugins: The Solidity compiler can be extended with plugins to add additional functionality such as custom optimizations or new language features. Plugins can be written in any programming language that can interface with the Solidity compiler, such as Rust or Python.
  • Solidity Compiler APIs: The Solidity compiler provides APIs that can be used to programmatically compile Solidity code from within another application. These APIs can be used to build tools that automate the Solidity development workflow, such as code analyzers or integrated development environments (IDEs).

How to Install the Solidity Compiler?

The Solidity compiler can be installed on your computer using several methods, including using package managers, downloading binaries, or building from source code. The most popular way to install the Solidity compiler is to use the npm package manager. Follow the steps below to install the Solidity compiler using npm:

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm on your computer.

Step 2: Open a command prompt or terminal window and type the following command: 

npm install -g solc

Step 3: Press enter and wait for the installation to complete.

npm install -g solc


Step 4: Verify that the installation was successful by typing the following command in the command prompt:

solcjs –version 

solcjs --version


Compiling Solidity Smart Contract

Here is an example of how to use the Solidity compiler to compile a simple smart contract:

Step 1: Create a new file named HelloWorld.sol and write the below code.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
contract HelloWorld {
    string public message = "Hello, world!";

Step 2: Save the file and open a command prompt or terminal window.

Step 3: Navigate to the directory where the HelloWorld.sol file is located.

Step 4: Type the following command to compile the smart contract:

Compile Smart Contract


Step 5: Press “Enter” and wait for the compilation to complete.

Step 6: Verify that the compilation was successful by checking that a new file named HelloWorld_sol_HelloWorld.bin was created in the same directory.



What is a Solidity Decompiler?

A Solidity decompiler is a tool that is used to convert bytecode back into Solidity code. This can be useful for developers who want to analyze or modify smart contracts that have already been deployed to the Ethereum network. 

  • There are several Solidity decompilers available, including the Mythril decompiler and the service. 
  • However, it is important to note that the decompiled Solidity code may not be an exact representation of the original code and may contain errors or inaccuracies.

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