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How to use Redux with ReactNative?

Last Updated : 20 Nov, 2020
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First, we create a fresh ReactNative Project by running the command “npx react-native init reduxDemo”. You can also integrate Redux into your existing project.

Go to the project folder by “cd {rootDirectory}/reduxDemo” and install dependencies.

  1. “npm install redux” which is an official redux dependency.
  2. “npm install react-redux” which is used to connect redux to react.

Directory Structure: This is the Directory structure I am using. You can create your own Directory structure which suits you best.

MyAssets directory contains a Redux Directory which contains all of Redux code and a Screen directory which contains all the screen components.

I am using Burger(food) as an example to show actions such as buying or creating a Burger which will result in a Decrease or Increase in the number of Burgers.

We will create all the files in MyAssets directory one-by-one.

Directory Structure

Example Step by Step: We will create MyAssests Directory inside our reduxDemo project. MyAssets will contain all the files for the app screen component as well as for Redux. Inside MyAssets we will create a Directory named Redux which will contain all of our Redux code.

Creating Actions: Inside Redux directory we will create a directory named Burger which will contain all of our actions and reducer for the Burger.

For creating actions we will create two files bugerActionTypes.js and burgerAction.js inside the Burger directory.

  • burgerActionTypes.js: In this file, we export all the string action_type property. This file is completely optional to create and without it we will have to manually write the string Action_type in action and reducer.


// all action String Type will be exported from here

  • burgerAction.js: In this, we will create our action function which returns action_type and optional payload property to reducer.


import {INCREASE_BURGER,DECREASE_BURGER} from './burgerActionTypes';
// Action functions which return action type and 
// optional payLoad to burgerReducer
export const increaseBurgerAction=(parameter)=>{
export const decreaseBurgerAction=()=>{

Creating Reducer: Inside Burger directory, we will create a file burgerReducer.js.In this file, we will create a burgerReducer() function which takes an initial state and action as a parameter and returns a new state of the store based on the action_type.


import {INCREASE_BURGER,DECREASE_BURGER} from './burgerActionTypes';
//initializing state 
const initialState={
const burgerReducer=(state=initialState,action)=>{
        case INCREASE_BURGER:return{
        case DECREASE_BURGER:return{
        default:return state
export default burgerReducer;

Creating Store: Inside our Redux directory, we will create two files store.js and index.js.

  • Index.js: This file will be used to export all actions from a single file. This file is completely optional to create and you can import action from their respective JavaScript files also.


// Single file for exporting all actions
export {increaseBurgerAction} from './Burger/burgerAction';
export {decreaseBurgerAction} from './Burger/burgerAction';

  • store.js: In this file, we will import all the reducers and then create a store and export it to App.js.We can also create a store in App.js also but to keep the code cleaner I have created a separate file.


import {createStore} from 'redux';
import burgerReducer from './Burger/burgerReducer';
// Passing burgerReducer to createStore
const store=createStore(burgerReducer);
export default store;

  • App.js: In App.js we import Provider component from ‘react-redux’ and store from store.js. Provider is used to pass store state to all its child components.


import React from 'react';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import store from './MyAssets/Redux/store';
import Screen from './MyAssets/Screens/screen'
const App= () => {
  return (
    <Provider store={store}>
export default App;

Creating our Screen Component: Now finally we will create our screen component to use and update the store state. Inside MyAssets directory we will create a directory named Screens which will contain all of our app screen components. Inside Screens directory we will create a file named screen.js.


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Text, View,Button } from 'react-native'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {increaseBurgerAction,decreaseBurgerAction}  from '../Redux/index'
class Screen extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <View style={{justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
                <View style={{marginVertical:50}}>
                <Text> Number Of Burger = {this.props.numberOfBurger} </Text>
                <Button title="Increase Burger" onPress={()=>{this.props.increaseBurger(5)}}/>
                <View style={{marginVertical:50}}>
                <Button title="Decrease Burger" onPress={()=>{this.props.decreaseBurger()}}/>
const mapStateToProps=(state)=>{
const mapDispatchToProps=(dispatch)=>{
export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(Screen);

  • Render: This is called when the state of the store changes.
  • mapStateToProps: This function maps the store state to the screen component to be used as props. We can also rename this other than mapStateToProps.
  • mapDispatchToProps: This function maps the actions to the screen component to be called using props. We can also rename this other than mapDispatchToProps.
  • connect: This is a ‘react-redux’ inbuilt function used to connect screen component to mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps.Always pass mapStateToProps as a first parameter and mapDispatchToProps as the second parameter to connect() function otherwise it will generate an error.


  1. First we call this.props.increaseBurger(5) in Button from our component.Notice how we pass number ‘5’ as an parameter ,this parameter will be supplied to increaseBurgerAction(parameter) function of mapDispatchToProps function.
  2. Then the increaseBurgerAction() of burgerActions.js file will be called which will return action_type and ‘5’ as a payload to reducer function.
  3. Then the burgerReducer() function will be called which will accept an initial state and action as a parameter and then increase the numberOfBurger from the initial value to +5.

  • this.props.decreaseBurger() in Button works the same as this.props.increaseBurger(). Notice we haven’t passed any parameter this time.

Multiple Reducers: In most cases, we have to use multiple reducers in order to separate states and actions. To demonstrate this I have created another Directory named Pizza which contains code for pizzaReducer.js, pizzaActionsType.js, and pizzaActions.js.

  • store.js: In this, we use combineReducers() which is an inbuilt function of ‘redux’ to combine our reducers.


import {createStore,combineReducers} from 'redux';
import burgerReducer from './Burger/burgerReducer';
import pizzaReducer from './Pizza/pizzareducer';
// Combining burgerReducer and pizzaReducer in rootReducer
const rootReducer=combineReducers({
// Passing rootReducer to createStore
const store=createStore(rootReducer);
export default store;

  • pizzaReducer.js:


import {PIZZA_DECREASE,PIZZA_INCREASE} from './pizzaActionsType';
// Initializing state 
const initialState={
const pizzaReducer=(state=initialState,action)=>{
        case PIZZA_INCREASE:return{
        case PIZZA_DECREASE:return{
        default:return state
export default pizzaReducer;

  • pizzaActionType.js:



  • pizzaActions.js:


import {PIZZA_INCREASE,PIZZA_DECREASE} from './pizzaActionsType';
// Action functions which return action type 
// and optional payLoad to burgerReducer
export const increasePizzaAction=(parameter)=>{
export const decreasePizzaAction=()=>{

  • index.js:


// Single file for exporting all actions
export {increaseBurgerAction} from './Burger/burgerAction';
export {decreaseBurgerAction} from './Burger/burgerAction';
export {increasePizzaAction} from './Pizza/pizzaActions';
export {decreasePizzaAction} from './Pizza/pizzaActions';

  • screen.js – Modifying our screen component code to use pizza actions and state.


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Text, View,Button } from 'react-native'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {increaseBurgerAction,decreaseBurgerAction,increasePizzaAction,decreasePizzaAction}  from '../Redux/index'
class Screen extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <View style={{justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
                <View style={{marginVertical:50}}>
                <Text> Number Of Burger = {this.props.numberOfBurger} </Text>
                <Button title="Increase Burger" onPress={()=>{this.props.increaseBurger(5)}}/>
                <Button title="Decrease Burger" onPress={()=>{this.props.decreaseBurger()}}/>
                <View style={{marginVertical:50}}>
                <Text> Number Of Pizza = {this.props.numberOfPizza} </Text>
                <Button title="Increase Burger" onPress={()=>{this.props.increasePizza(5)}}/>
                <Button title="Decrease Burger" onPress={()=>{this.props.decreasePizza()}}/>
const mapStateToProps=(state)=>{
const mapDispatchToProps=(dispatch)=>{
export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(Screen);


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