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Pairs with same Manhattan and Euclidean distance

Last Updated : 13 Sep, 2022
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In a given Cartesian plane, there are N points. The task is to find the Number of Pairs of points(A, B) such that 

  • Point A and Point B do not coincide.
  • Manhattan Distance and the Euclidean Distance between the points should be equal.

Note: Pair of 2 points(A, B) is considered same as Pair of 2 points(B, A).

Manhattan Distance = |x2-x1|+|y2-y1|
Euclidean Distance = ((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)^0.5 where points are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).


Input: N = 3, Points = {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}} 
Pairs are: 
1) (1, 2) and (1, 3) 
Euclidean distance of (1, 2) and (1, 3) = &root;((1 – 1)2 + (3 – 2)2) = 1 
Manhattan distance of (1, 2) and (1, 3) = |(1 – 1)| + |(2 – 3)| = 1
2) (1, 3) and (2, 3) 
Euclidean distance of (1, 3) and (2, 3) = &root;((1 – 2)2 + (3 – 3)2) = 1 
Manhattan distance of (1, 3) and (2, 3) = |(1 – 2)| + |(3 – 3)| = 1

Input: N = 3, Points = { {1, 1}, {2, 3}, {1, 1} } 
Here none of the pairs satisfy the above two conditions

Approach: On solving the equation 

|x2-x1|+|y2-y1| = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)

we get , x2 = x1 or y2 = y1.

Consider 3 maps, 

  1. Map X, where X[xi] stores the number of points having their x-coordinate equal to xi 
  2. Map Y, where Y[yi] stores the number of points having their y-coordinate equal to yi 
  3. Map XY, where XY[(Xi, Yi)] stores the number of points coincident with point (xi, yi)

Let Xans be the Number of pairs with same X-coordinates = X[xi]2 for all distinct xi
Let Yans be the Number of pairs with same Y-coordinates = Y[xi]2 for all distinct yi 
Let XYans be the Number of coincident points = XY[{xi, yi}]2 for all distinct points (xi, yi)
Thus the required answer = Xans + Yans – XYans

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return the number of non coincident
// pairs of points with manhattan distance
// equal to euclidean distance
int findManhattanEuclidPair(pair<int, int> arr[], int n)
    // To store frequency of all distinct Xi
    map<int, int> X;
    // To store Frequency of all distinct Yi
    map<int, int> Y;
    // To store Frequency of all distinct
    // points (Xi, Yi);
    map<pair<int, int>, int> XY;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int xi = arr[i].first;
        int yi = arr[i].second;
        // Hash xi coordinate
        // Hash yi coordinate
        // Hash the point (xi, yi)
    int xAns = 0, yAns = 0, xyAns = 0;
    // find pairs with same Xi
    for (auto xCoordinatePair : X) {
        int xFrequency = xCoordinatePair.second;
        // calculate ((xFrequency) C2)
        int sameXPairs
            = (xFrequency * (xFrequency - 1)) / 2;
        xAns += sameXPairs;
    // find pairs with same Yi
    for (auto yCoordinatePair : Y) {
        int yFrequency = yCoordinatePair.second;
        // calculate ((yFrequency) C2)
        int sameYPairs
            = (yFrequency * (yFrequency - 1)) / 2;
        yAns += sameYPairs;
    // find pairs with same (Xi, Yi)
    for (auto XYPair : XY) {
        int xyFrequency = XYPair.second;
        // calculate ((xyFrequency) C2)
        int samePointPairs
            = (xyFrequency * (xyFrequency - 1)) / 2;
        xyAns += samePointPairs;
    return (xAns + yAns - (2 * xyAns));
    /*    we are subtracting 2 * xyAns because we have counted
       let say A,B coinciding points two times in xAns and
       yAns which should not be add to the final answer so
       we are subtracting xyAns 2 times. */
// Driver Code
int main()
    pair<int, int> arr[]
        = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 1, 3 } };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class GFG
  // Function to return the number of non coincident
  // pairs of points with manhattan distance
  // equal to euclidean distance
  static int findManhattanEuclidPair(int[][] arr, int n)
    // To store frequency of all distinct Xi
    Map<Integer, Integer> X = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    // To store Frequency of all distinct Yi
    Map<Integer, Integer> Y = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    // To store Frequency of all distinct
    // points (Xi, Yi);
    Map<List<Integer>, Integer> XY = new HashMap<List<Integer>, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int xi = arr[i][0];
      int yi = arr[i][1];
      // Hash xi coordinate
      if (!X.containsKey(xi))
        X.put(xi, 0);
      X.put(xi, X.get(xi) + 1);
      // Hash yi coordinate
      if (!Y.containsKey(yi))
        Y.put(yi, 0);
      Y.put(yi, Y.get(yi) + 1);
      // Hash the point (xi, yi)
      if (!XY.containsKey(Arrays.asList(xi, yi)))
        XY.put(Arrays.asList(xi, yi), 0);
      XY.put( Arrays.asList(xi, yi), XY.get(Arrays.asList(xi, yi)) + 1);
    int xAns = 0, yAns = 0, xyAns = 0;
    // find pairs with same Xi
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> xCoordinatePair : X.entrySet())
      int xFrequency = xCoordinatePair.getValue();
      // calculate ((xFrequency) C2)
      int sameXPairs
        = (xFrequency * (xFrequency - 1)) / 2;
      xAns += sameXPairs;
    // find pairs with same Yi
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> yCoordinatePair : Y.entrySet()) {
      int yFrequency = yCoordinatePair.getValue();
      // calculate ((yFrequency) C2)
      int sameYPairs
        = (yFrequency * (yFrequency - 1)) / 2;
      yAns += sameYPairs;
    // find pairs with same (Xi, Yi)
    for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, Integer> XYPair : XY.entrySet())
      int xyFrequency = XYPair.getValue();
      // calculate ((xyFrequency) C2)
      int samePointPairs
        = (xyFrequency * (xyFrequency - 1)) / 2;
      xyAns += samePointPairs;
    return (xAns + yAns - (2 * xyAns));
    /*    we are subtracting 2 * xyAns because we have counted
           let say A,B coinciding points two times in xAns and
           yAns which should not be add to the final answer so
           we are subtracting xyAns 2 times. */
  // Driver Code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int[][] arr
      = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 1, 3 } };
    int n = arr.length;
    System.out.println(findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by phasing17


# Python3 implementation of the
# above approach
from collections import defaultdict
# Function to return the number of
# non coincident pairs of points with
# manhattan distance equal to
# euclidean distance
def findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n):
    # To store frequency of all distinct Xi
    X = defaultdict(lambda:0)
    # To store Frequency of all distinct Yi
    Y = defaultdict(lambda:0)
    # To store Frequency of all distinct
    # points (Xi, Yi)
    XY = defaultdict(lambda:0)
    for i in range(0, n):
        xi = arr[i][0]
        yi = arr[i][1]
        # Hash xi coordinate
        X[xi] += 1
        # Hash yi coordinate
        Y[yi] += 1
        # Hash the point (xi, yi)
        XY[tuple(arr[i])] += 1
    xAns, yAns, xyAns = 0, 0, 0
    # find pairs with same Xi
    for xCoordinatePair in X:
        xFrequency = X[xCoordinatePair]
        # calculate ((xFrequency) C2)
        sameXPairs = (xFrequency *
                     (xFrequency - 1)) // 2
        xAns += sameXPairs
    # find pairs with same Yi
    for yCoordinatePair in Y:
        yFrequency = Y[yCoordinatePair]
        # calculate ((yFrequency) C2)
        sameYPairs = (yFrequency *
                     (yFrequency - 1)) // 2
        yAns += sameYPairs
    # find pairs with same (Xi, Yi)
    for XYPair in XY:
        xyFrequency = XY[XYPair]
        # calculate ((xyFrequency) C2)
        samePointPairs = (xyFrequency *
                         (xyFrequency - 1)) // 2
        xyAns += samePointPairs
    return (xAns + yAns - 2 * xyAns)
  #    we are subtracting 2 * xyAns because we have counted let say A,B coinciding points two times
   #  in xAns and yAns which should not be add to the final answer so we are subtracting xyAns 2 times.
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [[1, 2], [1,2], [4, 3], [1, 3]]
    n = len(arr)
    print(findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n))
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# implementation of the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
  // Function to return the number of non coincident
  // pairs of points with manhattan distance
  // equal to euclidean distance
  static int findManhattanEuclidPair(int[, ] arr, int n)
    // To store frequency of all distinct Xi
    Dictionary<int, int> X = new Dictionary<int, int>();
    // To store Frequency of all distinct Yi
    Dictionary<int, int> Y = new Dictionary<int, int>();
    // To store Frequency of all distinct
    // points (Xi, Yi);
    var XY = new Dictionary<(int first, int second), int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int xi = arr[i, 0];
      int yi = arr[i, 1];
      // Hash xi coordinate
      if (!X.ContainsKey(xi))
        X[xi] = 0;
      // Hash yi coordinate
      if (!Y.ContainsKey(yi))
        Y[yi] = 0;
      // Hash the point (xi, yi)
      if (!XY.ContainsKey((xi, yi)))
        XY[(xi, yi)] = 0;
      XY[(xi, yi)]++;
    int xAns = 0, yAns = 0, xyAns = 0;
    // find pairs with same Xi
    foreach (var xCoordinatePair in X) {
      int xFrequency = xCoordinatePair.Value;
      // calculate ((xFrequency) C2)
      int sameXPairs
        = (xFrequency * (xFrequency - 1)) / 2;
      xAns += sameXPairs;
    // find pairs with same Yi
    foreach (var yCoordinatePair in Y) {
      int yFrequency = yCoordinatePair.Value;
      // calculate ((yFrequency) C2)
      int sameYPairs
        = (yFrequency * (yFrequency - 1)) / 2;
      yAns += sameYPairs;
    // find pairs with same (Xi, Yi)
    foreach (var XYPair in XY) {
      int xyFrequency = XYPair.Value;
      // calculate ((xyFrequency) C2)
      int samePointPairs
        = (xyFrequency * (xyFrequency - 1)) / 2;
      xyAns += samePointPairs;
    return (xAns + yAns - (2 * xyAns));
    /*    we are subtracting 2 * xyAns because we have counted
           let say A,B coinciding points two times in xAns and
           yAns which should not be add to the final answer so
           we are subtracting xyAns 2 times. */
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    int[, ] arr
      = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 1, 3 } };
    int n = arr.GetLength(0);
    Console.WriteLine(findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by pphasing17


// JavaScript implementation of the
// above approach
function getVal(dict, val)
    if (dict.hasOwnProperty(val))
        return dict[val]
    return 0
// Function to return the number of
// non coincident pairs of points with
// manhattan distance equal to
// euclidean distance
function findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n)
    // To store frequency of all distinct Xi
    let X = {}
    // To store Frequency of all distinct Yi
    let Y = {}
    // To store Frequency of all distinct
    // points (Xi, Yi)
    let XY = {}
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
        let xi = arr[i][0]
        let yi = arr[i][1]
        // Hash xi coordinate
        X[xi] = 1 + getVal(X, xi)
        // Hash yi coordinate
        Y[yi] = 1 + getVal(Y, yi)
        // Hash the point (xi, yi)
        XY[arr[i].join("#")] = 1 + getVal(XY, arr[i].join("#"))
    let xAns = 0
    let yAns = 0
    let xyAns = 0
    // find pairs with same Xi
    for (const [xCoordinatePair, xFrequency] of  Object.entries(X))
        // calculate ((xFrequency) C2)
        sameXPairs = Math.floor((xFrequency *
                     (xFrequency - 1)) / 2)
        xAns += sameXPairs
    // find pairs with same Yi
    for (const [yCoordinatePair, yFrequency] of Object.entries(Y))
        // calculate ((yFrequency) C2)
        sameYPairs = Math.floor((yFrequency *
                     (yFrequency - 1)) / 2)
        yAns += sameYPairs
    // find pairs with same (Xi, Yi)
    for (const [XYPair, xyFrequency] of Object.entries(XY))
        // calculate ((xyFrequency) C2)
        samePointPairs = Math.floor((xyFrequency *
                         (xyFrequency - 1)) / 2)
        xyAns += samePointPairs
    return (xAns + yAns - 2 * xyAns)
  //   we are subtracting 2 * xyAns because
  // we have counted let say A,B coinciding points two times
   //  in xAns and yAns which should not be
   // add to the final answer so we are subtracting xyAns 2 times.
// Driver Code
let arr = [[1, 2], [1,2], [4, 3], [1, 3]]
let n = arr.length
console.log(findManhattanEuclidPair(arr, n))
// This code is contributed by phasing17



Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(NlogN), where N is the number of points 
  • Space Complexity: O(N), since N extra space has been taken.

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