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Program to convert time from 12 hour to 24 hour format

Last Updated : 10 Apr, 2023
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Given a time at 12-hour AM/PM format, convert it to military (24-hour) time. 
Note: Midnight is 12:00:00 AM on a 12-hour clock and 00:00:00 on a 24-hour clock. Noon is 12:00:00 PM on 12-hour clock and 12:00:00 on 24-hour clock


Input : A single string containing a time in 12-hour 
clock format(hh:mm:ss AM or hh:mm:ss PM
        where 01 <= hh <= 12 or 01 <= mm,ss <= 59 
Output :Convert and print the given time in 24-hour format,
where 00 <= hh <= 23

Input : 07:05:45PM
Output : 19:05:45


// C++ program to convert 12 hour to 24 hour
// format
using namespace std;
void print24(string str)
    // Get hours
    int h1 = (int)str[1] - '0';
    int h2 = (int)str[0] - '0';
    int hh = (h2 * 10 + h1 % 10);
    // If time is in "AM"
    if (str[8] == 'A')
        if (hh == 12)
            cout << "00";
            for (int i=2; i <= 7; i++)
                cout << str[i];
            for (int i=0; i <= 7; i++)
                cout << str[i];
    // If time is in "PM"
        if (hh == 12)
            cout << "12";
            for (int i=2; i <= 7; i++)
                cout << str[i];
            hh = hh + 12;
            cout << hh;
            for (int i=2; i <= 7; i++)
                cout << str[i];
// Driver code
int main()
   string str = "07:05:45PM";
   return 0;


// Java program to convert 12 hour
// format to  24 hour format
public class GFG
static void print24(String str)
    // Get hours
    int h1 = (int)str.charAt(1) - '0';
    int h2 = (int)str.charAt(0) - '0';
    int hh = (h2 * 10 + h1 % 10);
    // If time is in "AM"
    if (str.charAt(8) == 'A')
        if (hh == 12)
            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
    // If time is in "PM"
        if (hh == 12)
            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            hh = hh + 12;
            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)
    String str = "07:05:45PM";
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python3 program to convert 12
# hour to 24 hour format
def print24(s):
    # Get hours
    h1 = ord(s[1]) - ord('0')
    h2 = ord(s[0]) - ord('0')
    hh = (h2 * 10 + h1 % 10)
    # If time is in "AM"
    if (s[8] == 'A'):
        if (hh == 12):
            print('00', end = '')
            for i in range(2, 8):
                print(s[i], end = '')
            for i in range(0, 8):
                print(s[i], end = '')
    # If time is in "PM"
        if (hh == 12):
            print("12", end = '')
            for i in range(2, 8):
                print(s[i], end = '')
            hh = hh + 12;
            print(hh, end = '')
            for i in range(2, 8):
                print(s[i], end = '')
# Driver code          
if __name__=="__main__":
   s = "07:05:45PM"
# This code is contributed by rutvik_56


// C# program to convert 12 hour
// format to 24 hour format
using System;
class GFG
static void print24(String str)
    // Get hours
    int h1 = (int)str[1] - '0';
    int h2 = (int)str[0] - '0';
    int hh = (h2 * 10 + h1 % 10);
    // If time is in "AM"
    if (str[8] == 'A')
        if (hh == 12)
            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
    // If time is in "PM"
        if (hh == 12)
            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            hh = hh + 12;
            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String str = "07:05:45PM";
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


// javascript program to convert 12 hour
// format to 24 hour format
  function print24(str)
    // Get hours
    var h1 = Number(str[1] - '0');
    var h2 = Number(str[0] - '0');
    var hh = (h2 * 10 + h1 % 10);
    // If time is in "AM"
    if (str[8] == 'A')
        if (hh == 12)
            for (var i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            for (var i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
    // If time is in "PM"
        if (hh == 12)
            for (var i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            hh = hh + 12;
            for (var i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
// Driver code
    var str = "07:05:45PM";
// This code is contributed by bunnyram19.



Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Method 2: Using java Date


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
string englishTime(string input)
    // Format of the date defined in the input String
    struct tm tm;
    strptime(input.c_str(), "%I:%M:%S %p", &tm);
    // Changing the format of date and storing it in string
    char output[9];
    strftime(output, sizeof(output), "%H:%M:%S", &tm);
    return string(output);
// Driver code
int main() {
    cout << englishTime("07:05:45 PM") << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class GFG {
    public static String englishTime(String input)
        throws ParseException
        // Format of the date defined in the input String
        DateFormat dateFormat
            = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss aa");
        // Change the pattern into 24 hour format
        DateFormat format
            = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
        Date time = null;
        String output = "";
        // Converting the input String to Date
        time = dateFormat.parse(input);
        // Changing the format of date
        // and storing it in
        // String
        output = format.format(time);
        return output;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] arg)
        throws ParseException
        System.out.println(englishTime("07:05:45 PM"));


# Python program for the above approach
import datetime
def englishTime(input):
    # Format of the date defined in the input String
    dateFormat = datetime.datetime.strptime(input, "%I:%M:%S %p")
    # Change the pattern into 24 hour format
    format = datetime.datetime.strftime(dateFormat, "%H:%M:%S")
    return format
# Driver Code
print(englishTime("07:05:45 PM"))


using System;
using System.Globalization;
class GFG {
  public static string englishTime(string input)
    // Format of the date defined in the input String
    DateTime time;
    CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
    DateTime.TryParseExact(input, "hh:mm:ss tt", provider, DateTimeStyles.None, out time);
    // Change the pattern into 24 hour format
    DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat;
    string output = time.ToString("HH:mm:ss", dtfi);
    return output;
  // Driver Code
  static void Main(string[] args) {
    Console.WriteLine(englishTime("07:05:45 PM"));


// Function to convert 12 hour time format to 24 hour time format
function englishTime(input) {
  // Create a Date object with the input time string
  let date = new Date("1970-01-01 " + input);
  // Format the date object into a 24 hour time string
  let format = date.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour12: false });
  return format;
// Driver Code
console.log(englishTime("07:05:45 PM"));



Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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