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Binary search in sorted vector of pairs

Last Updated : 08 Mar, 2024
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How to apply STL binary_search to vector of pairs(key, value), given that vector is sorted by its first value(key) struct compare in the code contains two functions which compares the key(searching element) with the first element in the vector 


/* C++ code to demonstrate how Binary Search
can be applied on a vector of pairs */
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct compare {
 bool operator()(const pair<int, int>& value,
        const int& key)
  return (value.first < key);
 bool operator()(const int& key,
     const pair<int, int>& value)
  return (key < value.first);
int main()
 // initializing the vector of pairs
 vector<pair<int, int> > vect;
 // insertion of pairs (key, value) in vector vect
 vect.push_back(make_pair(1, 20));
 vect.push_back(make_pair(3, 42));
 vect.push_back(make_pair(4, 36));
 vect.push_back(make_pair(2, 80));
 vect.push_back(make_pair(7, 50));
 vect.push_back(make_pair(9, 20));
 vect.push_back(make_pair(3, 29));
 // sorting the vector according to key
 sort(vect.begin(), vect.end());
 // printing the sorted vector
 cout << "KEY" << '\t' << "ELEMENT" << endl;
 for (pair<int, int>& x : vect)
  cout << x.first << '\t' << x.second << endl;
 // searching for the key element 3
 cout << "search for key 3 in vector" << endl;
 if (binary_search(vect.begin(), vect.end(),
        3, compare()))
  cout << "Element found";
  cout << "Element not found";
 return 0;


import java.util.*;
class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // initializing the vector of pairs
        Vector<Pair<Integer, Integer>> vector = new Vector<>();
        // insertion of pairs (key, value) in vector
        vector.add(new Pair<>(1, 20));
        vector.add(new Pair<>(3, 42));
        vector.add(new Pair<>(4, 36));
        vector.add(new Pair<>(2, 80));
        vector.add(new Pair<>(7, 50));
        vector.add(new Pair<>(9, 20));
        vector.add(new Pair<>(3, 29));
        // sorting the vector according to key and then value
        vector.sort((p1, p2) -> {
            if (!p1.getKey().equals(p2.getKey())) {
                return p1.getKey().compareTo(p2.getKey());
            } else {
                return p1.getValue().compareTo(p2.getValue());
        // printing the sorted vector
        for (Pair<Integer, Integer> pair : vector) {
            System.out.println(pair.getKey() + "\t" + pair.getValue());
        // searching for the key element 3
        System.out.println("search for key 3 in vector");
        if (Collections.binarySearch(vector, new Pair<>(3, 0), Comparator.comparing(Pair::getKey)) >= 0) {
            System.out.println("Element found");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Element not found");
class Pair<K, V> {
    private K key;
    private V value;
    public Pair(K key, V value) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
    public K getKey() {
        return key;
    public V getValue() {
        return value;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class MainClass
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Initializing the vector of pairs
        List<Pair<int, int>> vector = new List<Pair<int, int>>();
        // Insertion of pairs (key, value) in the vector
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(1, 20));
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(3, 42));
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(4, 36));
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(2, 80));
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(7, 50));
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(9, 20));
        vector.Add(new Pair<int, int>(3, 29));
        // Sorting the vector according to key and then value
        vector.Sort((p1, p2) => {
            if (!p1.GetKey().Equals(p2.GetKey()))
                return p1.GetKey().CompareTo(p2.GetKey());
                return p1.GetValue().CompareTo(p2.GetValue());
        // Printing the sorted vector
        foreach (Pair<int, int> pair in vector)
            Console.WriteLine(pair.GetKey() + "\t" + pair.GetValue());
        // Searching for the key element 3
        Console.WriteLine("Search for key 3 in vector");
        if (BinarySearch(vector, new Pair<int, int>(3, 0), Comparer<Pair<int, int>>.Create((p1, p2) => p1.GetKey().CompareTo(p2.GetKey()))) >= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Element found");
            Console.WriteLine("Element not found");
    // Binary search with custom comparator
    static int BinarySearch(List<Pair<int, int>> list, Pair<int, int> key, IComparer<Pair<int, int>> comparer)
        int left = 0, right = list.Count - 1;
        while (left <= right)
            int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
            // Check if key is found at mid index
            int comparisonResult = comparer.Compare(list[mid], key);
            if (comparisonResult < 0)
                left = mid + 1;
            else if (comparisonResult > 0)
                right = mid - 1;
                return mid;
        return -1; // Key not found
// Pair class with generic Key and Value
class Pair<K, V>
    private K key;
    private V value;
    public Pair(K key, V value)
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
    public K GetKey()
        return key;
    public V GetValue()
        return value;


// Define a comparison function to use in binary search
function compare(value, key) {
    return value[0] < key;
// Define a comparison function to use in binary search
function compare2(key, value) {
    return key < value[0];
// Binary search implementation
function binarySearch(arr, key) {
    let start = 0;
    let end = arr.length - 1;
    while (start <= end) {
        let mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
        if (compare(arr[mid], key))
            start = mid + 1;
        else if (compare2(key, arr[mid]))
            end = mid - 1;
            return true;
    return false;
// Main function
(function main() {
    // initializing the array of pairs
    let vect = [
        [1, 20],
        [2, 80],
        [3, 29],
        [3, 42],
        [4, 36],
        [7, 50],
        [9, 20]
    // sorting the array according to the first element
    vect.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
    // printing the sorted array
    console.log("KEY", "ELEMENT");
    for (let x of vect) {
        console.log(x[0], x[1]);
    // searching for the key element 3
    console.log("Search for key 3 in array:");
    if (binarySearch(vect, 3))
        console.log("Element found");
        console.log("Element not found");


def binary_search(vect, key):
    left, right = 0, len(vect) - 1
    while left <= right:
        mid = left + (right - left) // 2
        if vect[mid][0] == key:
            return mid
        elif vect[mid][0] < key:
            left = mid + 1
            right = mid - 1
    return -1
# Initializing the list of tuples
vect = []
# Insertion of tuples (key, value) in list vect
vect.append((1, 20))
vect.append((3, 42))
vect.append((4, 36))
vect.append((2, 80))
vect.append((7, 50))
vect.append((9, 20))
vect.append((3, 29))
# Sorting the list according to key
# Printing the sorted list
print("KEY", "\t", "ELEMENT")
for x in vect:
    print(x[0], "", x[1])
# Searching for the key element 3
print("Search for key 3 in vector")
key_to_find = 3
index = binary_search(vect, key_to_find)
if index != -1:
    print("Element found")
    print("Element not found")


1    20
2    80
3    29
3    42
4    36
7    50
9    20
search for key 3 in vector
Element found

Time complexity: O(n log n) (As sort() function is used)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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