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Flowchart for basic Machine Learning models

Last Updated : 05 Sep, 2020
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Machine learning tasks have been divided into three categories, depending upon the feedback available:

  1. Supervised Learning: These are human builds models based on input and output.
  2. Unsupervised Learning: These are models that depend on human input. No labels are given to the learning algorithm, the model has to figure out the structure by itself.
  3. Reinforcement learning: These are the models that are feed with human inputs. No labels are given to the learning algorithm. The algorithm learns by the rewards and penalties given.

The algorithms that can be used for each of the categories are:

Algorithm Supervised Unsupervised Reinforcement 
Linear 1 0 0
Logistic 1 0 0
K-Means 1 1 0
Anomaly Detection 1 1 0
Neural Net 1 1 1
KNN 1 0 0
Decision Tee 1 0 0
Random Forest 1 0 0
SVM 1 0 0
Naive Bayes 1 0 0

The machine learning functions and uses for various tasks are given in the below table. To know more about the Algorithms click here.





Basic Regression Linear linear_model.LinearRegression() Lots of numerical data
Logistic linear_model.LogisticRegression() Target variable is categorical
Cluster Analysis K-Means cluster.KMeans() Similar datum into groups based on centroids
Anomaly Detection covariance.EllipticalEnvelope() Finding outliers through grouping
Classification Neural Net neural_network.MLPClassifier() Complex relationships. Prone to over fitting.
K-NN neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier() Group membership based on proximity
Decision Tee tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() If/then/else. Non-contiguous data. Can also be regression.
Random Forest ensemble.RandomForestClassifier() Find best split randomly. Can also be regression



Maximum margin classifier. Fundamental. Data Science algorithm
Naive Bayes GaussianNB() MultinominalNB() BernoulliNB() Updating knowledge step by step with new info
Feature Reduction T-DISTRIB Stochastic NEIB Embedding manifold.TSNE() Visual high dimensional data. Convert similarity to joint probabilities
Principle Component Analysis decomposition.PCA() Distill feature space into components that describe the greatest variance
Canonical Correlation Analysis decomposition.CCA() Making sense of cross-correlation matrices
Linear Discriminant Analysis lda.LDA() Linear combination of features that separates classes

The flowchart given below will help you give a rough guide of each estimator that will help to know more about the task and the ways to solve it using various ML techniques.

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