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Golang program that uses structs as map keys

Last Updated : 10 May, 2020
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A map in Golang is a collection of unordered pairs of key-value. It is widely used because it provides fast lookups and values that can retrieve, update or delete with the help of keys.



Example: var sample map[string]int

Here the sample is a map that has a string as key and int type as the value.

In maps, most of the data types can be used as a key like int, string, float64, rune, etc. Maps also allow structs to be used as keys. These structs should be compared with each other. A structure or struct in Golang is a user-defined type that allows to combine fields of different types into a single type.

Example of a struct:

type Student struct {
      name string 
      rollno int
      class string
      city string

Let’s see how to implement a struct in a map:

Example 1:

// Golang program to show how to
// use structs as map keys
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
//declaring a struct
type Address struct {
    Name    string
    city    string
    Pincode int
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a2 := Address{Name: "Ram", city: "Delhi", Pincode: 2400}
    a1 := Address{"Pam", "Dehradun", 2200}
    a3 := Address{Name: "Sam", city: "Lucknow", Pincode: 1070}
    // Declaring a map
    var mp map[Address]int
    // Checking if the map is empty or not
    if mp == nil {
    } else {
    // Declaring and initialising
    // using map literals
    sample := map[Address]int{a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3}


map[{Pam Dehradun 2200}:1 {Ram Delhi 2400}:2 {Sam Lucknow 1070}:3]

Iterating over a map: You can also run a loop to access and operate each map key individually.

Example 2:

// Golang program to show how to
// use structs as map keys
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Address struct {
    Name    string
    city    string
    Pincode int
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Address{"Pam", "Mumbai", 2200}
    a2 := Address{Name: "Ram", city: "Delhi", Pincode: 2400}
    a3 := Address{Name: "Sam", city: "Lucknow", Pincode: 1070}
    // Declaring and initialising using map literals
    sample := map[Address]int{a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3}
    for str, val := range sample {
        fmt.Println(str, val)
    // You can also access a struct
    // field while using a loop
    for str := range sample {


{Ram Delhi 2400} 2
{Sam Lucknow 1070} 3
{Pam Mumbai 2200} 1

Adding key: value pairs in the map: Adding key:value pair in a map is done using the given syntax:


If a key-value pair already exists in the map it will just update the old pair with the new.

Example 3:

// Adding key:value pair in a map
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Student struct {
    Name   string
    rollno int
    course string
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Student{"Asha", 1, "CSE"}
    a2 := Student{"Aishwarya", 1, "ECE"}
    a3 := Student{"Priya", 2, "MECH"}
    // Declaring and initialising
    // using map literals
    mp := map[Student]int{a1: 1, a2: 2}
    fmt.Println("Original map was", mp)
    mp[a3] = 3
    mp[Student{"Ram", 3, "CSE"}] = 4
    // Values have their zero values
    // Here initial value was 0 after 
    // incrementing it became 1
    mp[Student{"Tina", 44, "EEE"}]++
    fmt.Println("After adding key:value "+
     "pairs to the map, Updated map is:", mp)


Original map was map[{Aishwarya 1 ECE}:2 {Asha 1 CSE}:1]
After adding key:value pairs to the map, Updated map is: map[{Aishwarya 1 ECE}:2 {Asha 1 CSE}:1 {Priya 2 MECH}:3 {Ram 3 CSE}:4 {Tina 44 EEE}:1]

Deleting a struct key from the map: You can delete a struct key from the map using the delete() function. It is an inbuilt function and does not return any value and does not do anything if the key does not present in the given map. The syntax for the same is as follows:

delete(map_name, struct_key)

Example 4:

// Deleting key: value pair in a map
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Student struct {
    Name   string
    rollno int
    course string
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Student{"Asha", 1, "CSE"}
    a2 := Student{"Aishwarya", 1, "ECE"}
    a3 := Student{"Priya", 2, "MECH"}
    a4 := Student{"Ram", 3, "CSE"}
    // Declaring and initialising using map literals
    mp := map[Student]int{a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3, a4: 4}
    delete(mp, a4)
    fmt.Println("The remaining map after deletion:")
    for str, i := range mp {
        fmt.Println(str, "=", i)


The remaining map after deletion:
{Asha 1 CSE} = 1
{Aishwarya 1 ECE} = 2
{Priya 2 MECH} = 3

Checking the existence of a key: value pair: You can check whether a struct is present in the map or not. Given below is the syntax to check the existence of a struct_key: value pair in the map:

// This gives the value and check result
// If the check result is True, it means the key is present
// If the check result is False, it means the key is missing and in that case value takes a zero value
value, check_variable_name:= map_name[key]


// Without value using the blank identifier
// It will only give check result
_, check_variable_name:= map_name[key]

Example 6:

// Golang program to check if a
// struct key is present
package main
// importing required packages
import "fmt"
// declaring a struct
type Student struct {
    Name   string
    rollno int
    course string
func main() {
    // Creating struct instances
    a1 := Student{"Asha", 1, "CSE"}
    a2 := Student{"Aishwarya", 1, "ECE"}
    a3 := Student{"Priya", 2, "MECH"}
    a4 := Student{"Ram", 3, "CSE"}
    // Declaring and initialising
    // using map literals
    mp := map[Student]string{a1: "First"
     a2: "Second", a3: "Third", a4: "Fourth"}
    value, check := mp[a4]
    fmt.Println("Is the key present:", check)
    fmt.Println("Value of the key:", value)
    _, check2 := mp[a2]
    fmt.Println("Is the key present:", check2)


Is the key present: true
Value of the key: Fourth
Is the key present: true

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