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How to Resolve Build Errors Due to Circular Dependency Amongst Classes?

Last Updated : 09 Apr, 2024
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In C++,  circular dependencies between classes can lead to confusing build issues that are difficult to fix. In this article, we will learn how to resolve to build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes in C++.

What is Circular Dependency Among Classes?

When two or more classes are dependent on one another, either directly or indirectly, this is known as a circular dependency.

Example: Circular Dependency Among Classes

// Class A uses Class B
class A {
    B b; // A uses B

// Class B uses Class A
class B {
    A a; // B uses A

In the above code, we can see that class A has a member of type class B and class B has a member of type A. However, this will lead to errors as the compiler struggles to select which classes to build first when there are circular dependencies.

Resolving Circular Dependencies

The following are some methods to reduce and get rid of circular dependencies in C++ programs:

1. Forward Declarations

To declare classes before they are defined, use forward declarations. Forward declarations allow the compiler to comprehend the interface of a class without knowing how it is implemented, by defining the class without giving it access to its complete definition. The following example illustrates the concept of forward declaration in C++:

class B; // Forward declaration

class A {
    B* b; // A uses B

class B {
    A* a; // B uses A

2. Using Pointers

The size of the depended class cannot be determined if it is defined after its object declaration. In these cases, we can use the pointer to the class object instead of directly defining the class. As the pointer size is always same for the given compiler, it will have no problem in finding the size of the depended class. It is shown in the above example.

3. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) can be used to determine whether classes have direct dependencies. To encourage modular architecture and decouple classes, utilize abstract interfaces and dependency injection rather than concrete implementations. Take a close look at your class architecture and think about reworking it to get rid of any circular dependencies. In order to maximize code maintainability and encourage loose coupling, clearly define the boundaries between components and identify cohesive modules.


In C++ programming, circular dependencies can be very problematic as they can cause build problems and hinder development processes. Developers may build scalable and reliable C++ codebases by comprehending the reasons behind circular dependencies and implementing practical resolution techniques such as header guards, forward declarations, and adherence to design principles. Ultimately, by promoting code reuse and clarity, active dependency management improves the stability and maintainability of C++ applications.

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