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Manhattan Associates Interview Experience for Java Developer

Last Updated : 07 Jun, 2023
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Basically, I got a call from a recruiter via the Nakari portal in November stating that he is a Recruiter at Manhattan and looking for Java Candidate with 2-3 years of experience will you be interested, that’s how I got an interview opportunity with Manhattan Associates Bangalore.

The Interview got scheduled on Saturday, and I got 2 days to prepare. Mainly I focused on Core Java, Collections, Strings, and Exception Handling Concepts and also, and I prepared my project mainly. There were two rounds of Interviews, One with technology and one with techno-managerial.

Interview: Technical Started:

  • Introduction
  • Tell me about Manhattan associates.
  • What is the difference between String Buffer and StringBuilder
  • Java 8 New concept of Exception handling Mainly throw and throws keyword
  • Collection Framework hierarchy basics Questions.
  • How HashMap Works Internally.
  • Explain JDK, JVM, and JRE.
  • Programming Question: Write a program to count repeated numbersI from an Integer.
  • Sorry, but a numbers few more questions were asked and I was able to answer all of them.

Second Round:

  • Introduction (self)
  • About Manhattan Associates and why Manhattan?
  • Some Puzzle Questions.
  • How to solve issues a in production.

After clearing these two rounds, I gave HR a Round where salary discussion happened. I was very Happy with the interview and result. Yes, I got selected. But I was not happy for a long time, because They asked me to join in 60 Days, but I have to serve 3 months’ notice period.

Best of luck to all of you with your interview.

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