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Numbers that are bitwise AND of at least one non-empty sub-array

Last Updated : 21 Mar, 2023
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Given an array ‘arr’, the task is to find all possible integers each of which is the bitwise AND of at least one non-empty sub-array of ‘arr’. 


Input: arr = {11, 15, 7, 19}
Output: [3, 19, 7, 11, 15]
3 = arr[2] AND arr[3]
19 = arr[3]
7 = arr[2]
11 = arr[0]
15 = arr[1]

Input: arr = {5, 2, 8, 4, 1}
Output: [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]
0 = arr[3] AND arr[4]
1 = arr[4]
2 = arr[1]
4 = arr[3]
5 = arr[0]
8 = arr[2]

Naive Approach:

  • An array of size ‘N’ contains N*(N+1)/2 sub-arrays. So, for small ‘N’, iterate over all possible sub-arrays and add each of their AND result to a set.
  • Since sets do not contain duplicates, it’ll store each value only once.
  • Finally, print the contents of the set.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int A[] = {11, 15, 7, 19};
    int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);
    // Set to store all possible AND values.
    unordered_set<int> s;
    int i, j, res;
    // Starting index of the sub-array.
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        // Ending index of the sub-array.
        for (j = i, res = INT_MAX; j < N; ++j)
            res &= A[j];
            // AND value is added to the set.
    // The set contains all possible AND values.
    for (int i : s)
        cout << i << " ";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by
// sanjeev2552


// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.HashSet;
class CP {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] A = { 11, 15, 7, 19 };
        int N = A.length;
        // Set to store all possible AND values.
        HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
        int i, j, res;
        // Starting index of the sub-array.
        for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            // Ending index of the sub-array.
            for (j = i, res = Integer.MAX_VALUE; j < N; ++j) {
                res &= A[j];
                // AND value is added to the set.
        // The set contains all possible AND values.


# Python3 implementation of the approach
A = [11, 15, 7, 19
N = len(A)
# Set to store all possible AND values.
Set = set()
# Starting index of the sub-array.
for i in range(0, N):
    # Ending index of the sub-array.
    res = 2147483647    # Integer.MAX_VALUE
    for j in range(i, N): 
        res &= A[j]
        # AND value is added to the set.
# The set contains all possible AND values.
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class CP {
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] A = {11, 15, 7, 19};
        int N = A.Length;
        // Set to store all possible AND values.
        HashSet<int> set1 = new HashSet<int>();
        int i, j, res;
        // Starting index of the sub-array.
        for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            // Ending index of the sub-array.
            for (j = i, res = int.MaxValue; j < N; ++j)
                res &= A[j];
                // AND value is added to the set.
        // displaying the values
        foreach(int m in set1)
            Console.Write(m + " ");


// JavaScript implementation of the approach
const A = [11, 15, 7, 19];
const N = A.length;
// Set to store all possible AND values.
const set = new Set();
// Starting index of the sub-array.
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Ending index of the sub-array.
let res = 2147483647; // Integer.MAX_VALUE
for (let j = i; j < N; j++) {
res &= A[j];
// AND value is added to the set.
// The set contains all possible AND values.


[3, 19, 7, 11, 15]

Time Complexity: O(N^2) 

Efficient Approach: This problem can be solved efficiently by divide-and-conquer approach.

  • Consider each element of the array as a single segment. (‘Divide’ step)
  • Add the AND value of all the subarrays to the set.
  • Now, for the ‘conquer’ step, keep merging consecutive subarrays and keep adding the additional AND values obtained while merging.
  • Continue step 4, until a single segment containing the entire array is obtained.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// c++ equivalent code of the Python code
class Segment{
    vector<int> leftToRight;
    vector<int> rightToLeft;
    void addToLR(int value){
        if(leftToRight.size() == 0){
            int lastElement = leftToRight[leftToRight.size() - 1];
            // value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
            if((lastElement & value) < lastElement){
                leftToRight.push_back(lastElement & value);
    void addToRL(int value){
        if(rightToLeft.size() == 0){
            int lastElement = rightToLeft[rightToLeft.size() - 1];
            // value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
            if((lastElement & value) < lastElement){
                rightToLeft.push_back(lastElement & value);
    // copies 'lr' to 'leftToRight'
    void copyLR(vector<int> lr){
        for(auto x: lr){
    // copies 'rl' to 'rightToLeft'
    void copyRL(vector<int> rl){
        for(auto x: rl){
Segment mergeSegments(Segment a, Segment b) {
    Segment res;// The resulting segment will have same prefix sequence as segment 'a'
    // The resulting segment will have same suffix sequence as segment 'b'
    for (auto x: b.leftToRight){
    for (auto x: a.rightToLeft){
    return res;
Segment divideThenConquer(vector<int> ar,int l,int r,set<int> &allPossibleAND) {
    // can't divide into further segments
    if (l == r){
        // Therefore, return a segment containing this single element.
        Segment ret;
        return ret;
    }// can be further divided into segments
    else {
        // recursive calls to divide the array into two halves
        Segment left = divideThenConquer(ar, l, floor((l+r)/2), allPossibleAND);
        Segment right = divideThenConquer(ar, floor((l+r)/2)+1, r, allPossibleAND);
        // Now, add all possible AND results, contained in these two segments
        for(auto itr1: left.rightToLeft){
            for(auto itr2: right.leftToRight){
                allPossibleAND.insert(itr1 & itr2);
        // 'conquer' step
        return mergeSegments(left, right);
int main() {
    vector<int> ar = {11, 15, 7, 19};
    int n = ar.size();
    set<int> allPossibleAND; // call divideThenConquer function
    divideThenConquer(ar, 0, n-1, allPossibleAND);
    for(auto x: allPossibleAND){
        cout << x << " ";
    cout << endl;
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel.


// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.*;
public class CP {
    static int ar[];
    static int n;
    // Holds all possible AND results
    static HashSet<Integer> allPossibleAND;
    // driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ar = new int[] { 11, 15, 7, 19 };
        n = ar.length;
        allPossibleAND = new HashSet<>(); // initialization
        divideThenConquer(0, n - 1);
    // recursive function which adds all
    // possible AND results to 'allPossibleAND'
    static Segment divideThenConquer(int l, int r)
        // can't divide into
        //further segments
        if (l == r)
            // Therefore, return a segment
            // containing this single element.
            Segment ret = new Segment();
            return ret;
        // can be further divided into segments
        else {
            Segment left
                = divideThenConquer(l, (l + r) / 2);
            Segment right
                = divideThenConquer((l + r) / 2 + 1, r);
            // Now, add all possible AND results,
            // contained in these two segments
            /* ********************************
            This step may seem to be inefficient
            and time consuming, but it is not.
            Read the 'Analysis' block below for
            further clarification.
            *********************************** */
            for (int itr1 : left.rightToLeft)
                for (int itr2 : right.leftToRight)
                    allPossibleAND.add(itr1 & itr2);
            // 'conquer' step
            return mergeSegments(left, right);
    // returns the resulting segment after
    // merging segments 'a' and 'b'
    // 'conquer' step
    static Segment mergeSegments(Segment a, Segment b)
        Segment res = new Segment();
        // The resulting segment will have
        // same prefix sequence as segment 'a'
        // The resulting segment will have
        // same suffix sequence as segment 'b'
        Iterator<Integer> itr;
        itr = b.leftToRight.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext())
        itr = a.rightToLeft.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext())
        return res;
class Segment {
    // These 'vectors' will always
    // contain atmost 30 values.
    ArrayList<Integer> leftToRight
        = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Integer> rightToLeft
        = new ArrayList<>();
    void addToLR(int value)
        int lastElement
            = leftToRight.get(leftToRight.size() - 1);
        // value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
        if ((lastElement & value) < lastElement)
            leftToRight.add(lastElement & value);
    void addToRL(int value)
        int lastElement
            = rightToLeft.get(rightToLeft.size() - 1);
        // value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
        if ((lastElement & value) < lastElement)
            rightToLeft.add(lastElement & value);
    // copies 'lr' to 'leftToRight'
    void copyLR(ArrayList<Integer> lr)
        Iterator<Integer> itr = lr.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext())
    // copies 'rl' to 'rightToLeft'
    void copyRL(ArrayList<Integer> rl)
        Iterator<Integer> itr = rl.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext())


from typing import List
from collections import defaultdict
# Segment class definition
class Segment:
    def __init__(self):
        self.leftToRight = [] # left to right segment
        self.rightToLeft = [] # right to left segment
    def addToLR(self, value):
        if len(self.leftToRight) == 0:
            lastElement = self.leftToRight[-1]
            # value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
            if (lastElement & value) < lastElement:
                self.leftToRight.append(lastElement & value)
    def addToRL(self, value):
        if len(self.rightToLeft) == 0:
            lastElement = self.rightToLeft[-1]
            # value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
            if (lastElement & value) < lastElement:
                self.rightToLeft.append(lastElement & value)
    # copies 'lr' to 'leftToRight'
    def copyLR(self, lr):
        self.leftToRight = lr.copy()
    # copies 'rl' to 'rightToLeft'
    def copyRL(self, rl):
        self.rightToLeft = rl.copy()
# recursive function which adds all possible AND results to 'allPossibleAND'
def divideThenConquer(ar: List[int], l: int, r: int, allPossibleAND: set):
    # can't divide into further segments
    if l == r:
        # Therefore, return a segment containing this single element.
        ret = Segment()
        return ret
    # can be further divided into segments
        # recursive calls to divide the array into two halves
        left = divideThenConquer(ar, l, (l+r)//2, allPossibleAND)
        right = divideThenConquer(ar, (l+r)//2+1, r, allPossibleAND)
        # Now, add all possible AND results, contained in these two segments
        for itr1 in left.rightToLeft:
            for itr2 in right.leftToRight:
                allPossibleAND.add(itr1 & itr2)
        # 'conquer' step
        return mergeSegments(left, right)
# returns the resulting segment after merging segments 'a' and 'b'
# 'conquer' step
def mergeSegments(a: Segment, b: Segment) -> Segment:
    res = Segment()
    # The resulting segment will have same prefix sequence as segment 'a'
    # The resulting segment will have same suffix sequence as segment 'b'
    for value in b.leftToRight:
    for value in a.rightToLeft:
    return res
# driver code
def main():
    ar = [11, 15, 7, 19]
    n = len(ar)
    allPossibleAND = set()
    # initialize with default values
    leftToRight = defaultdict(int)
    rightToLeft = defaultdict(int)
    # call divideThenConquer function
    divideThenConquer(ar, 0, n-1, allPossibleAND)
if __name__ == '__main__':


// JavaScript equivalent code of the Python code
function Segment() {
this.leftToRight = []; // left to right segment
this.rightToLeft = []; // right to left segment
Segment.prototype.addToLR = function (value) {
if (this.leftToRight.length === 0) {
} else {
let lastElement = this.leftToRight[this.leftToRight.length - 1];
// value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
if ((lastElement & value) < lastElement) {
this.leftToRight.push(lastElement & value);
Segment.prototype.addToRL = function (value) {
if (this.rightToLeft.length === 0) {
} else {
let lastElement = this.rightToLeft[this.rightToLeft.length - 1];
// value decreased after AND-ing with 'value'
if ((lastElement & value) < lastElement) {
this.rightToLeft.push(lastElement & value);
Segment.prototype.copyLR = function (lr) {
this.leftToRight = lr.slice();
Segment.prototype.copyRL = function (rl) {
this.rightToLeft = rl.slice();
function divideThenConquer(ar, l, r, allPossibleAND) {
// can't divide into further segments
if (l === r) {
// Therefore, return a segment containing this single element.
let ret = new Segment();
return ret;
}// can be further divided into segments
else {
    // recursive calls to divide the array into two halves
    let left = divideThenConquer(ar, l, Math.floor((l+r)/2), allPossibleAND);
    let right = divideThenConquer(ar, Math.floor((l+r)/2)+1, r, allPossibleAND);
    // Now, add all possible AND results, contained in these two segments
    for (let itr1 of left.rightToLeft) {
        for (let itr2 of right.leftToRight) {
            allPossibleAND.add(itr1 & itr2);
    // 'conquer' step
    return mergeSegments(left, right);
function mergeSegments(a, b) {
let res = new Segment();// The resulting segment will have same prefix sequence as segment 'a'
// The resulting segment will have same suffix sequence as segment 'b'
for (let value of b.leftToRight) {
for (let value of a.rightToLeft) {
return res;
// driver code
function main() {
let ar = [11, 15, 7, 19];
let n = ar.length;
let allPossibleAND = new Set();// call divideThenConquer function
divideThenConquer(ar, 0, n-1, allPossibleAND);


[19, 3, 7, 11, 15]

Analysis: The major optimization in this algorithm is realizing that any array element can yield a maximum of 30 distinct integers (as 30 bits are needed to hold 1e9). Confused?? Let’s proceed step by step. Let us start a sub-array from the ith element which is A[i]. As the succeeding elements are AND-ed with Ai, the result can either decrease or remain same (because a bit will never get changed from ‘0’ to ‘1’ after an AND operation). In the worst case, A[i] can be 2^31 – 1 (all 30 bits will be ‘1’). As the elements are AND-ed, atmost 30 distinct values can be obtained because only a single bit might get changed from ‘1’ to ‘0’ in the worst case, i.e. 111111111111111111111111111111 => 111111111111111111111111101111 So, for each ‘merge’ operation, these distinct values merge to form another set having atmost 30 integers. Therefore, 
Worst Case Time Complexity for each merge can be O(30 * 30) = O(900). 

Time Complexity: O(900*N*logN). PS: The time complexity can seem too high, but in practice, the actual complexity lies around O(K*N*logN), where, K is much less than 900. This is because, the lengths of the ‘prefix’ and ‘suffix’ arrays are much less when ‘l’ and ‘r’ are quite close.

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