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Spectre Empty states

Last Updated : 02 Feb, 2022
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The Spectre Empty states are important as a placeholder when you have an uploading layout. Empty states/blank slates are commonly used as placeholders for first-time use, empty data and error screens.

There are lots of things that you can include in an empty state component like icons, messages, buttons, a combination of any component.

Spectre Empty states Class:

  • empty: This class is used to create an empty theme, that will be in grey colour.
  • empty-icon: This class is used to create an empty-icon theme.
  • empty-title: This class is used to create an empty-title theme. Here you have to set the font size by using the h1 to h6 class.
  • empty-subtitle: This class is used to create an empty-subtitle theme.
  • empty-action: This class is used to create an empty-action theme, where you can add buttons.


<div class="empty">
  <div class="empty-icon">
    <i class="..."></i>
  <p class="empty-title">....</p>
  <p class="empty-subtitle">...</p>
  <div class="empty-action">
    <button class="...">..</button>

Below example illustrate Spectre Empty states:

Example 1:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <link rel="stylesheet"
        <strong>SPECTRE Empty states Class</strong>
        <div class="empty">
          <div class="empty-icon">
            <i class="icon icon-people"></i>
          <p class="empty-title h5">
              You have no new messages
          <p class="empty-subtitle">
              Click the button to start a conversation.
          <div class="empty-action">
            <button class="btn btn-success ">
                Send a message


Spectre Empty states

Spectre Empty states

Example 2:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>SPECTRE Buttons Class</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <link rel="stylesheet"
        <strong>SPECTRE Empty states Class</strong>
        <div class="empty">
          <div class="empty-icon">
            <i class="icon icon-people"></i>
          <p class="empty-title h5">
              You don't have any Friends
          <p class="empty-subtitle">
              Start to meet new friends
          <div class="empty-action">
            <input class="form-input"
                   placeholder="Search for Friends">
            <button class="btn btn-primary ">
                <i class="icon icon-search"></i>


Spectre Empty states

Spectre Empty states


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