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Writing Memory Efficient Programs Using Generators in Python

Last Updated : 06 May, 2024
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When writing code in Python, wise use of memory is important, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. One way to do this is to use Python generators. Generators are like special functions that help save memory by processing data one at a time, rather than all at once.

The logic behind memory-efficient functions and Python generators is to create functions that generate values ​​on the fly, avoiding the need to store the entire data set in memory. This is especially useful when dealing with large data sets.

Memory Efficiency of Generators

Generators in Python are a powerful tool for creating iterators. Let’s deep dive into how generators achieve this efficiency and provide a comparison with traditional loops.

  • On-the-Fly Sequence Generation: Python generators efficiently create iterators by generating values only when requested, avoiding the need to store the entire sequence in memory simultaneously.
  • Memory Efficiency: Unlike traditional data structures, generators use lazy evaluation, producing elements one at a time as needed. This minimizes memory usage, making them ideal for large datasets or infinite sequences.
  • Constant Memory Footprint: Generators maintain a consistent memory footprint regardless of sequence size since they don’t store the entire sequence in memory. This feature is beneficial for processing large datasets without encountering memory constraints, offering efficient resource utilization.

Code Memory Efficient Functions with Python Generators

Below, are the example of How to Code Memory Efficient Functions with Python Generators.

Basic Generator Function

Start by creating a function with the yield keyword. This turns it into a generator function. Inside, use a loop to generate values one by one. The yield statement provides the current value. This way, the generator produces values on demand, saving memory.

In the below code example, the memory_efficient_function creates numbers from 0 up to the given max_value. The key is that it doesn’t keep all the numbers in memory at once. It produces them one by one, which is helpful when you are working with a large set of data and want to save memory.

def memory_efficient_function(max_value):
    current_value = 0
    while current_value < max_value:
        yield current_value
        current_value += 1

# Using the generator function
my_generator = memory_efficient_function(5)

for value in my_generator:


Real-Life Example with Log File

Consider a scenario where you need to analyze a large log file without loading it all into memory. Create a generator function, like process_log_file, to read the log file line by line. This way, you process the file gradually without storing the whole thing in memory. In this case, the process_log_file function reads the log file line by line and yields each line as it processes it. This way, we will not be loading the entire log file into memory at once. So this way we can make our code more memory-efficient.

def process_log_file(log_file_path):
    with open(log_file_path, 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            # Process each line of the log file here
            yield line

# Use generator to process the log file
log_file_path = '/Path/To/The/file.txt'
log_generator = process_log_file(log_file_path)

for log_entry in log_generator:
    # perform actions on each log entry



above code display the output which is written in your file.txt file.

Filtering Data with Generators

Imagine you have a list of numbers, and you only want to work with the even ones. Instead of creating a new list in memory, you can use a generator to produce only the even numbers when needed. This generator function takes a list of numbers as input and produces only the even numbers one at a time. By doing this, you avoid storing a new list of even numbers in memory, making your code more memory-efficient.

def even_number_generator(numbers):
    for num in numbers:
        if num % 2 == 0:
            yield num

# Example usage
numbers_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Create a generator object
even_gen = even_number_generator(numbers_list)

# Iterate through the generator to get even numbers
for even_num in even_gen:


Generator vs. For Loop

Let’s see the memory efficiency of generators by comparing them with traditional For loop using a simple example below:
In this example, we will generate a sequence of numbers from 0 to 999,999 using both a generator and a for loop. We will then compare the memory usage of both approaches using the sys.getsizeof() function.

# Generator function
def generate_numbers(n):
    for i in range(n):
        yield i

# For Loop Example
def generate_numbers_list(n):
    numbers = []
    for i in range(n):
    return numbers

# comparing memory usage
import sys

n = 1000000  # generating 1 million numbers

# memory usage for Generator
generator_memory = sys.getsizeof(generate_numbers(n))

# memory usage for For Loop
for_loop_memory = sys.getsizeof(generate_numbers_list(n))

print("memory usage for Generator:", generator_memory, "bytes")
print("memory usage for For Loop:", for_loop_memory, "bytes")

Output :

memory usage for Generator: 104 bytes
memory usage for For Loop: 8448728 bytes


  • Memory Usage for Generator: Less memory consumption due to lazy evaluation.
  • Memory Usage for For Loop: Higher memory consumption as it stores the entire sequence in memory.


In Conclusion, Python generators are powerful tools for creating memory-efficient functions. They let you handle large amounts of data without loading everything into memory at once. This is crucial for achieving optimal performance and efficiently processing substantial datasets. By using different methods like basic generator functions, real-life log file examples, understanding space complexity, and exploring advanced techniques, you can enhance your code’s memory efficiency.

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